Shayna was away - thank you to Ivan and to Enrique for making notes at the
Attendees: Ivan, Mikael, Enrique
0 - Agenda bash
1 - Project review
a. General -
b. OIDC libraries - (idpy-oidc,
JWTConnect-Python-CryptoJWT, etc)
c. Satosa -
- new release: v8.5.1
<> that
updates the plugin for the LDAP attribute store with new capabilities.
d. pySAML2 -
- There are two new pysaml2 releases:
- v7.5.1
<> -
update the dependencies, especially to avoid issues with the pyOpenSSL
- there is ongoing work to remove the dependency altogether: #879
<>, PR 977
- v7.5.2
<> -
update the supported XML Encryption schemas to include v1.1
- There are ongoing discussions about compatibility with
Python3.13. The relevant issue is #976
<> and *PR 978*
e. Any other project (pyFF, djangosaml2, pyMDOC-CBOR, etc)
- PyFF:
- discussed the issue with Microsoft using a non-absolute URI as the
entityID. The relevant issue is #291
- The general consensus is that we need to support this for now
but probably emit a warning about this issue.
- Another issue that came up is support for older versions. The
relevant issue is #290
- Mikael proposed that we provide the user what they need (as this
is rather easy) but make a note that older versions are
not officially
supported and it is at the discretion of the users to make
use of such
- The last thing we discussed was the issue with duplicate
entities. The relevant issue is #289
- Enrique had posted on the mailing list about the PoC he started
with commit 0fb326d60
- The current changes introduce a new structure. All other
pipelines will need to change to make use of the new
structure. We agreed
that further discussion and ideas about how to handle such
duplicate cases
is needed. Maybe we can add configuration options to
control how to merge
duplicate entities (probably complex), or try to encode
two different
behaviours (probably won't cover all cases).
- There is more discussion on this topic which can be found in
Enrique Arnaud's message to the discussion list which
immediately precedes
these meeting notes.
2 - AOB