Christos, Heather, Johan, Scott, Ivan, Roland, John P, Hannah
0 - Agenda bash
1 - GitHub review
a. OIDC - (JWTConnect-Python-OidcRP,
JWTConnect-Python-CryptoJWT, etc)
General maintenance of code, otherwise pretty stable.
Suggest basing the API on which should make connecting to a
database much easier.
b. Satosa - and pySAML2
Giuseppe’s lxc container.
We are now creating multiple docker images when we create things in the docker repository.
If there is a new version, we tag it, and if it’s the master branch, we tag it. But we
always know what triggered building the image. If people want their own microservices in
docker images, they need to build their own images. Ivan will build an image that contains
all the microservices we have in the repository, but anything past that people will need
to build their own.
Why build docker images at all? It helps deployers, and may bootstrap production. We could
also create a dev-type image. Suggest we talk to the folks at Internet2 (Chris Hubing,
Paul Caskey) about the TIER/Trusted Access Platform. See… as
an example.
Ivan has merged the PR for new SAML syntax.
d. pyFF -
See roadmap in the repository
3 - AOB
• Possible memory leak with the LDAP attribute store - Scott has a few containers running
(simple Satosa Proxies) that after running for 4 months that grew to 1Gb in memory.
Restarting the worker process brought them back to normal. Christos is running a very old
version of the LDAP attribute store and not seeing the same behavior. Ivan’s guess is that
this is about how it’s handling connections.
Thanks! Heather