4 okt. 2022 kl. 15:57 skrev Heather Flanagan
OIDC Federation version 23 has been updated and are now out for an unofficial final
review. Need an editorial review as much as a technical review. Roland has updated his
implementation to be compliant with this new version, in particular compliance with CIBA
which required entities to be allowed to be more than one thing at a time. Expect to
finish in 2-3 weeks.
Not completely accurate and I take all the blame for that.
I’m updating my implementation to be compliant with version 23 of the proposal. Not done
yet. Will hopefully be in 2-3 weeks.
CIBA has nothing to do with OIDC Federation. It’s something that comes out of the FAPI
The thing that OIDC Federation has in common with CIBA is that according to them an entity
can be more than one thing at the same time.
According to OIDC Federation for instance, an entity can be a federation entity, a trust
mark issuer and an OpenID provider at the same time.
There is even nothing that prevents an entity from being an OpenID relying party and an
OpenID Provider at the same time.
The old code could not really handle this, the new can.
— Roland