Hola a todos!
As discussed on the last call, rather than have a conference call tomorrow, we will be encouraging people to tune into the Identity Python slack channel to participate in the Hackathon. The hackathon starts at 09:00 UTC -6 (an hour after our usual call time), and the slack channel can be found here:
I look forward to “seeing” you tomorrow!
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Hi group,
Peter Gietz is again convening an OSS workshop track. Please see his invitation to give a talk and volunteer in numbers!
Cheers, Rainer
> Hi all,
> since last meeting in Vienna seems to have been successful
> (unfortunately I was knocked out by a pneumonia, and couldn't attend),
> I am planning to organize a follow up event next February again adjunct
> to the TIIME workshop (see https://tiimeworkshop.eu/)
> Thus it will take place *Tuesday Feb. 18th …
[View More]in Vienna* and all of you are
> cordially invited to participate. Since the TIIME organisation has
> changed, there will be a participation fee of € 150 early bird and € 180
> regular for this day. If you also attend the TIIME unconference (most
> recommended) the price per day gets down. Presenters will have the fee
> waived.
> As the last time, this should not be about every one telling the others
> about their wonderful product, but rather should focus on technical
> aspects, standardization, interoperability, cooperation models, etc. It
> is again called (un)conference, since it should be a compromise between
> conference and unconference, i.e. only short presentations and most of
> the time of each slot devoted to discussion. Last time it was invitation
> only, but I am thinking about publishing the program to advertise more
> participation, but I am still unsure and would like to hear your
> opinions on this.
> Please get back to me with comments, proposals for slots, presentations,
> panel discussions, statement of willingness to participate without
> presenting and the like. If you think, I left some one out here, please
> notify me and I will send this invitation and follow ups.
> Looking forward to seeing you in Vienna!
> Cheers,
> Peter
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