Dear All
Note: This event is at the same time as our physical meeting in Ghent. The event will be recorded and be available later on the same page<…>.
(Thanks to Angel, our Project Officer for sharing.)
Br, Shamim
Date: Tuesday, 12 September 2023 at 15:44
To: Tae Eun Kim <>, Marcelo Milrad <marcelo.milrad(a)>, Shamim Patel <shamim.patel(a)>, Ruben García Vidal <vidalr(a)>, Inmaculada Remolar Quintana <remolar(a)>, Marcos Fernández Marín <Marcos.Fernandez(a)>, Garofalakis George <GarofalakisG(a)>, "Schramm, Hans-Joachim" <Hans-Joachim.Schramm(a)>, Christothea Herodotou <christothea.herodotou(a)>, "karacap(a)" <karacap(a)>, Gerardo Herrera Gutiérrez <gerardo.herrera(a)>, Carina GIRVAN <girvanc(a)>
Subject: FW: INVITATION: STOA Workshop 'Human-computer confluence in education', Wednesday, 27 September 2023, 15:00-18:00 CET, Room SPAAK 7C50
FYI, best regards,
From: STOA <stoa(a)>
Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2023 3:23 PM
To: STOA Secretariat (EP) <stoa(a)>
Subject: INVITATION: STOA Workshop 'Human-computer confluence in education', Wednesday, 27 September 2023, 15:00-18:00 CET, Room SPAAK 7C50
Programme and registration<…>
Dear All
Draft Agenda
* Linked here<…> and attached is the draft Agenda for the Ghent Meeting.
* If you have any comments please let me know by COB next Friday 22 November, after which the agenda will be finalised.
* Note: The agenda is comprehensive so no separate OMT meeting is planned during this.
Participatory Info
* Please check and fill the linked spreadsheet below by COB Monday 18 September in all places indicated. This will help our Ghent Colleagues cater and book meeting rooms for the right number of people.…
* If you are not sure and/or need more time, inform Katrien, Benny or Ilse of when you will be able to confirm.
The Ghent Folder<…> linked here contains detailed information on logistics and hotel recommendations.
Fyi: I will be out of the office from tomorrow - until next Friday 22 September, so will be slow to respond until then.
Best regards to everyone for the w/e!
Shamim Patel (ACA)
Project Manager | Exten.(D.T.)2 Project
Linnæus University
Office of External Relations
SE-351 95 Växjö | Sweden
M: +46 (0)705 898396 |<>
Hi all,
I am sharing with you a recent paper which is very relevant for our work
related to
the /Learning Analytics Dashboard/:
Date: Wednesday, 17 May 2023 at 13:58
To: Tae Eun Kim <>, Garofalakis George <GarofalakisG(a)>, Ruben García Vidal <vidalr(a)>, Marcelo Milrad <marcelo.milrad(a)>, Inmaculada Remolar Quintana <remolar(a)>, "Schramm, Hans-Joachim" <Hans-Joachim.Schramm(a)>, Shamim Patel <shamim.patel(a)>, "Marcos.Fernandez(a)" <Marcos.Fernandez(a)>
Subject: AI and disinformation
Dear all,
FYI, in case of interest for you and/or your stakeholders and partners.
DG CNECT is organising a hybrid cluster meeting on AI and disinformation covering generative AI and ChatGPT.
Meet the Future of AI: Countering Sophisticated & Advanced Disinformation
29 June 2023 | 09:00 - 17:30 CET | VRT, Karabiniersplein, Auguste Reyerslaan 52 B, 1043 Brussels
Artificial Intelligence-generated content (Generative AI, for example, ChatGPT, DALL.E, or Midjourney) has garnered significant attention recently due to its ability to create cheaply and at scale credible-looking artificial content, including text, deep fake images and videos, art, and music. Generative AI systems are capable of creating highly convincing content at low cost, which could then be harnessed by bad actors in online disinformation and abuse, and is difficult to detect.
Another drawback of generative AI is that the models are trained on datasets that have been found to reflect implicit societal biases on issues such as gender and race. On the positive side, generative AI models also provide opportunities for countering online abuse and disinformation, by becoming useful companions to media professionals, engaged citizens, and debunkers.
This event focuses on all relevant issues and challenges around generative AI and tackling disinformation. We cordially invite you to join this policy & innovation conference co-organised by the new Horizon Europe projects, AI4TRUST, and TITAN and H2020 project AI4Media, which develop novel AI techniques to counter online disinformation, in particular in light of the recent advances on generative AI.
Preliminary Programme
· 9:00–9:30 Networking and Registration
· 9:30–9:45 Welcome
· 9:45–11:00 Panel 1: Threats and opportunities of Generative AI
· 11:00-11:15 Coffee Break
· 11:15–12:30 Panel 2: Policy Implications and Challenges to Fight Disinformation
· 12:30–13:15 Panel 3: The role of critical thinking in addressing Future AI tools to fight disinformation
· 13:15-14:30 Lunch Break
· 14:30–16:15 Panel 4: Interdisciplinary approach to detecting and countering AI-generated content
· 16:15–16:30 Cross-cutting conclusions and close
· 16:30–17:30 R&I networking session + nibbles/drink
Dear all,
Please find attached a very recent and well written paper about LA
Kaliisa, R., Jivet, I. & Prinsloo, P. A checklist to guide the planning,
designing, implementation, and evaluation of learning analytics
dashboards./Int J Educ Technol High Educ/*20*, 28 (2023).
Enjoy it.
Dear all,
I hope this email finds you well.
I would like to ask those of you who have designed DT activities for
this year's interventions, to upload your activity plans
to this folder. In case your organization has implemented more than
one activity plan, please create a folder and upload your plans
Thank you in advance,
Best regards,
Christina Gkreka (PhD)
Educational Technology Lab (ETL)
Department of Educational
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece