Dear All
I have informed our PO that after a first informal check with our consortium no conflicts of interest were noted for either Markus Vincze or Davinia Hernández-Leo as being the expert reviewers for our M18 review.
Thea, her team, and Manolis are now planning preparatory information for the two-day physical meeting meeting (17-18 April in Milton Keynes/OU) and the one-day M18 review (19 April at UCL/London).
* This will provide info on logistics, transport and hotel recommendation when they are have had time to look into this.
* As soon as this information is available we will let you know, so please be patient until then!
If you are planning to attend, do please start populating this participants list<…> before the end of next Friday, so we have an idea of numbers.
NB: WP leaders and one or two key people from each WP are expected to participate in the M18 review on Friday 19 April.
* Our PO encourages other team members from each organisations to stay and participate as observers if they wish, as this will be a good learning experience
Best wishes to everyone for the weekend.
Hi all,
I am sharing the paper below that has been published a few days ago.
Its content is very relevant for our project:
Dear All
A short greeting from Marcelo and me to thank you all for your hard work on ExtenDT2 this year. It has been a pleasure working with you all and seeing you at the physical meetings.
We wish you all Happy (Christmas) Holidays, and much rest from work!
God Jul och Gott Nytt År
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Shamim & Marcelo
[Strawberries with white frosting on top of them Description automatically generated]
Dear All,
We are very much happy to share that the Exten(DT)2 newsletter- December Issue is released now. You can access it visiting this link:
Also, please share it to the relevant readers using your network.
Θέα, έχω ένα προβλημα με το teams. Μπορούμε να μιλήσουμε από google?
Filothei Chalvatza
BSc, CertEd, MA, MSc
Learning Technologist
Service & Digital Product Designer
+30 6976782459
Dear All
Attached are the draft minutes from our Ghent Meeting with all relevant links to presentations, URLs, etc.
You can find the minutes and all information in this Google folder too.…
If you have any requests for changes, please let me have them by COB next Wednesday, 25 October.
Best regards,
Shamim Patel (ACA)
Project Manager | Exten.(D.T.)2 Project
Linnæus University
Office of External Relations
SE-351 95 Växjö | Sweden
M: +46 (0)705 898396 |<>