The European Centre for SI-PASS (Lund University) is pleased to announce two planned online SI-PASS FIKAs this autumn for supervisors and leaders on 20th of October and 29th of November. Both between 2-3 pm UK-time / 3-4 pm CET. The zoom-link to the fikas is: . (An SI-PASS FIKA is an informal get together over a cup of coffee/tea and a cinnamon bun (last item not mandatory). The FIKA is free of charge and provides a chance to talk about SI-PASS related issues or just have a chat with SI-PASS friends).
In order to have relevant themes for the fikas we would like you as supervisors to suggest topics. At latest two weeks before each fika. Suggestions can be sent to si-pass(a)<> or to Joakim Malm directly (mail address below).
Upcoming SI-PASS Supervisor trainings (For more information please visit our web-site:<> )
* Training in Manchester, UK, 22-24 November 2022. Application is open<>
* Online training, 6-7 & 9-10 February 2023
* Training in Lund, Sweden, 18-20 April 2023
Will, Lise-Lotte, Marcia and Joakim
European Centre for SI-PASS
Joakim Malm
Associate Professor, certified trainer in Supplemental Instruction
Lund University, Faculty of Engineering
Centre for Engineering Education / European Centre for SI-PASS
Box 118, SE 221 00 Lund, Visiting address: Ole Römers väg 3
Telephone: +46 46 222 75 71, e-mail: Joakim.Malm(a)<>
Jag är gärna med på sändlista SI-PASS
Med vänlig hälsning / Best regards
Anna Braun
Studie- och karriärvägledare /Study and Career Counsellor
Högskolan i Borås / University of Borås
033-435 44 09
Med vänlig hälsning/Kind regards
Helén Svensson
Studie- och karriärvägledare /Study and Career Counsellor
Studentcentrum/ Student Center
Högskolan i Borås / University of Borås
Vån 3, Rum B 323 vid Studentcentrum/ Floor3, room B 323 at the Studentcenter
Telefontid varje vardag kl 10.00-12.00 tel 033-435 4015
Dear SI-PASS friends,
This is Aleix. I am unsure whether this mailing list just links the attendees to the last SI-PASS training or joins us with previous trainees as well. In any case, I thought I would use it to say hi to our group, which "graduated" last Friday, and to make them all aware that our Miro board now has a frame on the World Porridge Championship (Frame 61) with a few pictures, for those of you who are curious.
I hope you had a lovely weekend and I look forward to being in touch.
Best wishes,
Please note: LEADS for Students is now known as Student Learning Development (SLD). Our webpages and materials are in the process of changing to reflect this. If you are including us in course handbooks for 2023, please note the change.
Dr Aleix Tura Vecino (he/him)
Peer-Learning Facilitator (SLD<>) | Academic Services
Tutor of English Literature | School of Critical Studies
Associate Editor of Short Fiction in Theory and Practice<>
Media Admin at The European Network for Short Fiction Research (@TheENSFR<>, web<…>)
Room 320, McMillan Reading Room
University of Glasgow | University Avenue | G12 8QQ
University of Glasgow, charity number SC004401
Upcoming SI-PASS Supervisor trainings this autumn (For more information please visit our web-site:<> )
* Online training 3-4 and 6-7 October 2022. Application is open<…>
* Training in Manchester, UK, 22-24 November 2022. Application is open<>
The trainings tend to fill up quite quickly, so do your bookings in good time.
There will be a couple of SI-PASS fikas this autumn and we will announce the dates/times in the near future. (An SI-PASS FIKA is an informal online get together over a cup of coffee/tea and a cinnamon bun (last item not mandatory). The FIKA is free of charge and provides a chance to talk about SI-PASS related issues or just have a chat with SI-PASS friends).
Will, Lise-Lotte, Marcia and Joakim
European Centre for SI-PASS
Joakim Malm
Associate Professor, certified trainer in Supplemental Instruction
Lund University, Faculty of Engineering
Centre for Engineering Education / European Centre for SI-PASS
Box 118, SE 221 00 Lund, Visiting address: Ole Römers väg 3
Telephone: +46 46 222 75 71, e-mail: Joakim.Malm(a)<>
Hello all,
Apologies for emailing the entire distribution group, but I was wondering if anyone is in the know about conferences specifically focused on SI/PASS/PAL in UK/Ireland and Europe over the next year? Since Covid, I have been a little out of the loop on SI/PAL related conferences conferences, and I know there is the SI Conference in Baltimore next year, but any advice on similar in Europe would be greatly appreciated.
Many Thanks & Kind regards,
[Background pattern Description automatically generated with low confidence]
Dr Nevan Bermingham
Technological University Dublin | City Campus | Park House
( +353 (0)1 220 5813 | * Nevan.Bermingham(a)<> | þ
TU Dublin, Park House PH-611, 191 North Circular Road, D07 EWV4, Ireland.
OT Baile Átha Cliath, Teach na Páirce PH-611, 191 An Cuarbhóthar Thuaidh, D07 EWV4, Éire
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Is ó OT Baile Átha Cliath a tháinig an ríomhphost seo. Má fuair tú an ríomhphost seo trí earráid, scrios de do chóras é le do thoil. Tabhair ar aird, mura tú an seolaí ainmnithe, go bhfuil dianchosc ar aon nochtadh, aon chóipeáil, aon dáileadh nó ar aon ghníomh a dhéanfar bunaithe ar an ábhar atá sa ríomhphost nó sna hiatáin seo.
Is carthanas cláraithe í OT Baile Átha Cliath
TU Dublin is a registered charity RCN 20204754
Hi all SI-PASS Supervisors and Leaders,
This coming Monday 29th of November at 1.30 pm (UK)/2.30 pm (CET) we will have a chance to meet for informal discussions while drinking coffee/tea - a so-called SI-FIKA. We have two suggested themes for this FIKA: 1) "Learning outcomes from running SI-PASS programmes during the pandemic"; 2) "Debriefs with leaders - how are different institutions doing debriefs?". But, if we want to talk about other topics that is quite ok. Since this e-mail just goes to Supervisors we would like you all to send the invitation to your Leaders.
The link to the meeting is and the meeting duration 1,5 hours at most.
We hope to see you and your Leaders on Monday!
If you have colleagues that want to go a Supervisor training, the times for the first two trainings this spring are given below (the trainings are open for registration).
Supervisor trainings: 12-14 January 2022 in Stjördal, Norway (in person training) and 7-8 & 10-11 March 2022 (online training)
More information and registration:
A conference that often is of interest for SI-PASS supervisors is the European First Year Experience conference (EFYE). The next one is in Graz, Austria 20-22 April 2022. See information in the e-mail below this one.
Best regards,
Lise-Lotte, Will, Marcia and Joakim
Joakim Malm
Associate Professor, certified trainer in Supplemental Instruction
Lund University, Faculty of Engineering
Centre for Engineering Education / European Centre for SI-PASS
Box 118, SE 221 00 Lund, Visiting address: Ole Römers väg 3
Telephone: +46 46 222 75 71, e-mail: Joakim.Malm at<mailto:Joakim.Malm at>
From: European First Year Experience Network Discussion List <EFYEN at JISCMAIL.AC.UK<mailto:EFYEN at JISCMAIL.AC.UK>> On Behalf Of VRL EFYE
Sent: Monday 22 November 2021 12:30
Subject: EFYE 2022 Graz/ Austria: Call for Abstracts
CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the Munster Technological University. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the content is safe.
Dear colleagues,
We are pleased to inform you about the call for abstracts for the EFYE 2022, which is still open until December 8th 2021.
The EFYE - European First Year Experience Conference, will be hosted by Graz University of Technology from April 20-22, 2022. The conference will bring together higher education professionals from across Europe and beyond, welcoming all who wish to share ideas and experiences related to supporting first year students.
Next year's conference themes according to the motto "Next stop: University" are:
· Prospective Students - Road to University
· Beginners - Transition Station
· Teaching Staff - Learners Square
You will find all information about the topics of EFYE 2022 and the submission form on the website:<…>
Follow us on the Facebook page<…>, which will offer a glimpse of the host city Graz, where we look forward to meet again for a face-to-face exchange in spring 2022.
Help us spread the word about EFYE 2022 by following us on facebook (<…>) and directing some of your networks/ international colleagues to our website.<…>.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact us at efye at<mailto:efye at>.
Best regards,
Katharina on behalf of EFYE Board and CIT organising committee
_ _
Katharina Salicites
Higher Education and Programme Development
Assistant to the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs
Graz University of Technology
Rechbauerstraße 12, 8010 Graz, Austria
+43 316 873-8548<…>
To unsubscribe from this list click this link: https://WWW.JISCMAIL.AC.UK/cgi-bin/webadmin?SUBED1=EFYEN&A=1<…> You can receive EFYEN messages as a weekly digest. Go to the JiscMail EFYEN website to change your settings. Users can register a password for the JiscMail website, logging into the website enables you to: manage your list subscription settings, view mailing list archives, find and join new lists, post messages, and more. Go to:<…> and click the Register Password button. To view the archives of this list:<…> (You may need to log into the website to view some list archives)
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Hi all,
Please see below for an update on the European SI-PASS/PAL Leader Festival 2021.
What's changed?
Last year we hosted a successful online Leader Festival, and had hoped to do the same this year. However we recognize this year is different again, and colleagues are busy pivoting to a new world, and our students are hopefully enjoying more on-campus time and understandably have less time out of university to engage with online activities.
As a result of this, and because the number of registrations have been significantly lower than in previous years, we have unfortunately taken the decision to cancel the previously advertised 2021 Leader Festival. For those who have already paid a fee or received an invoice for Festival places, we will be in touch to organize a refund from Lund University.
What's still on offer?
We know how much Leaders gain from coming together, and connecting with one another therefore we are offering a FREE event on the evening of Sunday 28th November at 5.30-8pm (GMT) 6-8.30 (CET) where we invite you to sign up Leaders. We are asking you to register Leaders so we can manage numbers and send out Zoom links directly.
Leaders who register can expect to engage with an online interactive session comprised of; an inspirational speaker, opportunities to connect and learn from other Leaders, and a chance to find out more and decide whether they want to join a small facilitated group (with a mix of Institutions) to work beyond the event to provide shareable outputs for dissemination
Please register your Leaders using the following weblink / form<…> and we will send them more information/joining instructions. We really hope you are able to register Leaders for a high energy, interactive session!
On-Campus events - bringing your Leaders together
We also still encourage you to facilitate on Campus Events during that week as a chance for your Leaders to come together to reflect, share and learn from each other. We still will be providing guidance and ideas for this if you are interested.
What do Leader Festivals of the future look like?
We also invite you as supervisors to attend an informal focus group, and help us shape the future of Leader Festivals, and broader opportunities for Leaders to connect. We will be in touch with some dates, but in the meantime please do email us with any thoughts/comments. si-pass at<mailto:si-pass at>
Apologies for the inconvenience of the changes however, we hope that revised event will mean some of your Leaders are still able to engage and connect with one another.
For any specific questions please get in touch,
Best wishes,
Will, Marcia, Lise-Lotte and Isabella
Jag vill också bli borttagen från listan.
From: Si-pass <si-pass-bounces at> on behalf of Marina Andersson <marina.andersson at>
Reply to: "si-pass at" <si-pass at>
Date: Friday, 29 October 2021 at 16:31
To: "si-pass at" <si-pass at>
Subject: Re: [SI-PASS listserver] International SI-PASS conference in Toronto 2022, SI-PASS Fika and upcoming Supervisor trainings
Jag vill också bli borttagen från listan. Tack!
Från: Si-pass <si-pass-bounces at> För Annika Parswald
Skickat: den 29 oktober 2021 16:17
Till: si-pass at
Ämne: Re: [SI-PASS listserver] International SI-PASS conference in Toronto 2022, SI-PASS Fika and upcoming Supervisor trainings
Jag vill också bli borttagen från denna lista! ☺
Vänliga hälsningar,
[cid:image001.png at 01D7CCE9.10052D60]
Annika Parswald
Skolan för Elektroteknik och Datavetenskap, EECS
Civilingenjörsutbildning i Datateknik (CDATE)
Lindstedstvägen 3, plan 4, 100 44 Stockholm
Tfn: 08-790 60 33
aparsw at<mailto:aparsw at><>
[Till KTH:s startsida]
Från: Si-pass <si-pass-bounces at<mailto:si-pass-bounces at>> För Carina Andersson
Skickat: den 29 oktober 2021 16:16
Till: si-pass at<mailto:si-pass at>
Ämne: Re: [SI-PASS listserver] International SI-PASS conference in Toronto 2022, SI-PASS Fika and upcoming Supervisor trainings
Hej Joakim!
Även jag vill bli borttagen från e-postlistan.
Arbetar numera med andra frågor.
Trevlig helg!
Carina Andersson
Avdelningen för folkhälsovetenskap
Tf. avdelningschef
Avdelningen för socialpsykologi, engelska och svenska
Institutionen för hälsovetenskaper
Högskolan i Skövde
Direkt: 0500- 44 80 75
Mobil: 0702- 74 13 60
epost: carina.andersson at<mailto:carina.andersson at>
Här kan du läsa om hur Högskolan i Skövde hanterar dina personuppgifter:<>
[cid:image003.png at 01D7CCE9.10052D60]
Från: Si-pass <si-pass-bounces at<mailto:si-pass-bounces at>> För Cecilia Winström
Skickat: den 29 oktober 2021 15:04
Till: si-pass at<mailto:si-pass at>
Ämne: Re: [SI-PASS listserver] International SI-PASS conference in Toronto 2022, SI-PASS Fika and upcoming Supervisor trainings
Hej Joakim!
Tack för informationen.
Jag och Annette Zeidler har tänkt åka till Toronto, men vill gärna prata med dig.
Kan du ha ett ZOOM-möte med oss tisdag 2/11 kl 14.15?
Trevlig helg.
Hälsningar Cecilia W
Universitetsadjunkt matematikdidaktik
Samordnare grundlärarprogrammet 4-6
SI-koordinator LS
NMS Malmö Universitet
Cecilia.winstrom at<mailto:Cecilia.winstrom at>
Från: Si-pass <si-pass-bounces at<mailto:si-pass-bounces at>> För Joakim Malm
Skickat: den 29 oktober 2021 13:14
Till: Si-pass at<mailto:Si-pass at>
Ämne: [SI-PASS listserver] International SI-PASS conference in Toronto 2022, SI-PASS Fika and upcoming Supervisor trainings
Dear SI-PASS Supervisors,
We would like to inform you that the International Conference on SI-PASS will be held in Toronto, Canada between 9-11 June 2022, see conference website on . It would be great to meet European colleagues there. If you would like to give an interactive presentation there or perhaps nominate a SI-PASS programme, SI-PASS Leader, Mentor or Supervisor for an award, see attached flyer for more information (Deadline November 30).
If you are interested in giving a presentation at the conference, but would like to get some more info on what is expected from proposals and perhaps talk to some other colleagues about their presentation ideas, we can arrange a zoom-meeting in the near future. If you would be interested in such a meeting – send an email to joakim.malm at<mailto:joakim.malm at> as soon as possible.
Some other information from the European Centre for SI-PASS:
The next SI-PASS supervisor/Leader FIKA will be on Monday 29th of November at 1.30-3.00 pm UK time/2.30-4:00 CET. The meeting is online (you don’t need to register) with English as working language on the following zoom-link: .
The theme of the FIKA will be “Learning outcomes from running SI-PASS programmes during the pandemic”. However, suggestion on other themes are welcome. Please bring leaders along for the Fika.
Upcoming SI-PASS Supervisor trainings (For more information and to register please visit our web-site:<> )
* 22-23/25-26 November 2021 (online)
* 12-14 January 2022 at Nord University, Stjördal, Norway (on-campus)
* 7-8/10-11 March 2022 (online)
(all are open for registration).
Will, Lise-Lotte, Marcia and Joakim
European Centre for SI-PASS
Joakim Malm
Associate Professor, certified trainer in Supplemental Instruction
Lund University, Faculty of Engineering
Centre for Engineering Education / European Centre for SI-PASS
Box 118, SE 221 00 Lund, Visiting address: Ole Römers väg 3
Telephone: +46 46 222 75 71, e-mail: Joakim.Malm at<mailto:Joakim.Malm at>
Med vänliga hälsningar / Best regards
Ingegerd Nilsson
Studievägledare | Student Guidance Counselor
Chalmers tekniska högskola | Chalmers University of Technology
Besök: Sven Hultins gata 8
Tel: +46(0)31 772 1135
Ingegerd.nilsson at<mailto:Ingegerd.nilsson at>