Jag vill också bli borttagen från listan.
From: Si-pass <si-pass-bounces at lists.sunet.se> on behalf of Marina Andersson <marina.andersson at slav.lu.se>
Reply to: "si-pass at lists.sunet.se" <si-pass at lists.sunet.se>
Date: Friday, 29 October 2021 at 16:31
To: "si-pass at lists.sunet.se" <si-pass at lists.sunet.se>
Subject: Re: [SI-PASS listserver] International SI-PASS conference in Toronto 2022, SI-PASS Fika and upcoming Supervisor trainings
Jag vill också bli borttagen från listan. Tack!
Från: Si-pass <si-pass-bounces at lists.sunet.se> För Annika Parswald
Skickat: den 29 oktober 2021 16:17
Till: si-pass at lists.sunet.se
Ämne: Re: [SI-PASS listserver] International SI-PASS conference in Toronto 2022, SI-PASS Fika and upcoming Supervisor trainings
Jag vill också bli borttagen från denna lista! ☺
Vänliga hälsningar,
[cid:image001.png at 01D7CCE9.10052D60]
Annika Parswald
Skolan för Elektroteknik och Datavetenskap, EECS
Civilingenjörsutbildning i Datateknik (CDATE)
Lindstedstvägen 3, plan 4, 100 44 Stockholm
Tfn: 08-790 60 33
aparsw at kth.se<mailto:aparsw at kth.se>
[Till KTH:s startsida]
Från: Si-pass <si-pass-bounces at lists.sunet.se<mailto:si-pass-bounces at lists.sunet.se>> För Carina Andersson
Skickat: den 29 oktober 2021 16:16
Till: si-pass at lists.sunet.se<mailto:si-pass at lists.sunet.se>
Ämne: Re: [SI-PASS listserver] International SI-PASS conference in Toronto 2022, SI-PASS Fika and upcoming Supervisor trainings
Hej Joakim!
Även jag vill bli borttagen från e-postlistan.
Arbetar numera med andra frågor.
Trevlig helg!
Carina Andersson
Avdelningen för folkhälsovetenskap
Tf. avdelningschef
Avdelningen för socialpsykologi, engelska och svenska
Institutionen för hälsovetenskaper
Högskolan i Skövde
Direkt: 0500- 44 80 75
Mobil: 0702- 74 13 60
epost: carina.andersson at his.se<mailto:carina.andersson at his.se>
Zoom: https://his-se.zoom.us/my/carinaandersson
Här kan du läsa om hur Högskolan i Skövde hanterar dina personuppgifter: www.his.se/gdpr<http://www.his.se/gdpr>
[cid:image003.png at 01D7CCE9.10052D60]
Från: Si-pass <si-pass-bounces at lists.sunet.se<mailto:si-pass-bounces at lists.sunet.se>> För Cecilia Winström
Skickat: den 29 oktober 2021 15:04
Till: si-pass at lists.sunet.se<mailto:si-pass at lists.sunet.se>
Ämne: Re: [SI-PASS listserver] International SI-PASS conference in Toronto 2022, SI-PASS Fika and upcoming Supervisor trainings
Hej Joakim!
Tack för informationen.
Jag och Annette Zeidler har tänkt åka till Toronto, men vill gärna prata med dig.
Kan du ha ett ZOOM-möte med oss tisdag 2/11 kl 14.15?
Trevlig helg.
Hälsningar Cecilia W
Universitetsadjunkt matematikdidaktik
Samordnare grundlärarprogrammet 4-6
SI-koordinator LS
NMS Malmö Universitet
Cecilia.winstrom at mau.se<mailto:Cecilia.winstrom at mau.se>
Från: Si-pass <si-pass-bounces at lists.sunet.se<mailto:si-pass-bounces at lists.sunet.se>> För Joakim Malm
Skickat: den 29 oktober 2021 13:14
Till: Si-pass at lists.sunet.se<mailto:Si-pass at lists.sunet.se>
Ämne: [SI-PASS listserver] International SI-PASS conference in Toronto 2022, SI-PASS Fika and upcoming Supervisor trainings
Dear SI-PASS Supervisors,
We would like to inform you that the International Conference on SI-PASS will be held in Toronto, Canada between 9-11 June 2022, see conference website on https://info.umkc.edu/si/2022-home/ . It would be great to meet European colleagues there. If you would like to give an interactive presentation there or perhaps nominate a SI-PASS programme, SI-PASS Leader, Mentor or Supervisor for an award, see attached flyer for more information (Deadline November 30).
If you are interested in giving a presentation at the conference, but would like to get some more info on what is expected from proposals and perhaps talk to some other colleagues about their presentation ideas, we can arrange a zoom-meeting in the near future. If you would be interested in such a meeting – send an email to joakim.malm at lth.lu.se<mailto:joakim.malm at lth.lu.se> as soon as possible.
Some other information from the European Centre for SI-PASS:
The next SI-PASS supervisor/Leader FIKA will be on Monday 29th of November at 1.30-3.00 pm UK time/2.30-4:00 CET. The meeting is online (you don’t need to register) with English as working language on the following zoom-link: https://lu-se.zoom.us/j/4630658731 .
The theme of the FIKA will be “Learning outcomes from running SI-PASS programmes during the pandemic”. However, suggestion on other themes are welcome. Please bring leaders along for the Fika.
Upcoming SI-PASS Supervisor trainings (For more information and to register please visit our web-site: www.si-pass.lu.se/en<http://www.si-pass.lu.se/en> )
* 22-23/25-26 November 2021 (online)
* 12-14 January 2022 at Nord University, Stjördal, Norway (on-campus)
* 7-8/10-11 March 2022 (online)
(all are open for registration).
Will, Lise-Lotte, Marcia and Joakim
European Centre for SI-PASS
Joakim Malm
Associate Professor, certified trainer in Supplemental Instruction
Lund University, Faculty of Engineering
Centre for Engineering Education / European Centre for SI-PASS
Box 118, SE 221 00 Lund, Visiting address: Ole Römers väg 3
Telephone: +46 46 222 75 71, e-mail: Joakim.Malm at lth.lu.se<mailto:Joakim.Malm at lth.lu.se>
Dear SI-PASS Supervisors,
We would like to inform you that the International Conference on SI-PASS will be held in Toronto, Canada between 9-11 June 2022, see conference website on https://info.umkc.edu/si/2022-home/ . It would be great to meet European colleagues there. If you would like to give an interactive presentation there or perhaps nominate a SI-PASS programme, SI-PASS Leader, Mentor or Supervisor for an award, see attached flyer for more information (Deadline November 30).
If you are interested in giving a presentation at the conference, but would like to get some more info on what is expected from proposals and perhaps talk to some other colleagues about their presentation ideas, we can arrange a zoom-meeting in the near future. If you would be interested in such a meeting - send an email to joakim.malm at lth.lu.se<mailto:joakim.malm at lth.lu.se> as soon as possible.
Some other information from the European Centre for SI-PASS:
The next SI-PASS supervisor/Leader FIKA will be on Monday 29th of November at 1.30-3.00 pm UK time/2.30-4:00 CET. The meeting is online (you don't need to register) with English as working language on the following zoom-link: https://lu-se.zoom.us/j/4630658731 .
The theme of the FIKA will be "Learning outcomes from running SI-PASS programmes during the pandemic". However, suggestion on other themes are welcome. Please bring leaders along for the Fika.
Upcoming SI-PASS Supervisor trainings (For more information and to register please visit our web-site: www.si-pass.lu.se/en<http://www.si-pass.lu.se/en> )
* 22-23/25-26 November 2021 (online)
* 12-14 January 2022 at Nord University, Stjördal, Norway (on-campus)
* 7-8/10-11 March 2022 (online)
(all are open for registration).
Will, Lise-Lotte, Marcia and Joakim
European Centre for SI-PASS
Joakim Malm
Associate Professor, certified trainer in Supplemental Instruction
Lund University, Faculty of Engineering
Centre for Engineering Education / European Centre for SI-PASS
Box 118, SE 221 00 Lund, Visiting address: Ole Römers väg 3
Telephone: +46 46 222 75 71, e-mail: Joakim.Malm at lth.lu.se<mailto:Joakim.Malm at lth.lu.se>