Här kommer en påminnelse om cfp till konferensen Early Modern Women on Politics and Ethics
i Göteborg nästa höst, 5–7 oktober 2023. Mycket välkomna att skicka in förslag på föredrag
och sprid gärna vårt cfp i era nätverk. Sista dag för abstracts är 1 februari 2023.
Vänlig hälsningar,
Cecilia Rosengren för Tidigmoderna seminariet vid Göteborgs universitet och det nordiska
forskarnätverket POW (Philosophy in Other Words)
Call for papers
In Nicomachean Ethics and Politics, Aristotle conceived ethics and politics to be both
interrelated and exclusively male endeavors. This notion continued to be influential in
the early modern period (c.1500–1800). Yet in recent decades, feminist scholarship has
showed that throughout the early modern world numerous women nonetheless discussed,
developed, and chal- lenged politics and ethics in profound and often surprising ways.
The conference Early Modern Women on Politics and Ethics is organized by the Early Modern
Seminar and the research network Philosophy in Other Words, at the University of
Gothenburg, Sweden. It is dedicated to early modern women’s engagement with politics and
ethics as philosophers, authors, critics, translators, editors, artists, patrons,
salonnières, pamphleteers, political agents, letter writers, etcetera.
Multidisciplinary in scope, the conference will bring together scholars working in various
scientific fields. We especially wel- come contributions that concern underexplored
geographical contexts, languages, and traditions.
Suggested topics include, but are not limited to
* Marginalized voices in politics and ethics
* Genres of political and ethical writing
* Representations of political and moral authority
* Subversive political and ethical thought
* Global perspectives on politics and ethics
* Public and private agency
* Material aspects of politics and ethics
* Reception and circulation of political and ethical thought • Ethics and politics of
* Politics and ethics in religious contexts
Confirmed keynote speakers
* Unn Falkeid, University of Oslo
* Carin Franzén, Stockholm University
* Dena Goodman, University of Michigan
* Marie-Frédérique Pellegrin, Jean Moulin Lyon 3 University
* Melissa E. Sanchez, University of Pennsylvania
To submit, please send a 300-word proposal for a 20-minute paper and a brief biographical
note to earlymodern(a)lir.gu.se by February 1, 2023. Notice of acceptance will be given by
March 1, 2023.
Organizing committee: Maria Johansen, Cecilia Rosengren, Matilda Amundsen Bergström,
Alexandra Herlitz, Philip Lavender.