Dear colleagues,
please be warmly invited to a seminar with David Edgerton this coming Monday, June 17, 13.15-14.45, on the theme "How to Write Global History of Technology?"
The seminar will explore the programmatic question of how history of technology should be written and how the challenge of a global history of technology can be met that takes spatial perspectives into account, that addresses the relations between different spaces and their uneven teporalities, and that can approach materialities and different material cultures. In his research and teaching, our seminar guest David Edgerton focuses on the material and global histories of technology. His book The Shock of the Old: Technology and Global History since 1900 (Profile Books 2006) received broad recognition in the history of technology and adjacent fields like STS and anthropology and has become a classic on the entangled temporalities of technological innovation, use, and appropriation in a global historical perspective.
Chaired by historian of technology Per Högselius, the seminar will take place in the large seminar room at the Division of History of Science, Technology and Environment at KTH. After the seminar there will be the possibility for doctoral students in the history of technology to have an informal discussion with David around fika at the Division.
David Edgerton is Hans Rausing Professor of the History of Science and Technology and Professor of Modern British History at the Department of History at King’s College in London. He is the founding director of the Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine (Imperial College, now at King’s College). His research focuses on the technological, industrial, and military history of Britain in the twentieth century and its technocratic and economic underpinnings and consequences, as well as on the material and global histories of technology.
Dr. Sabine Höhler
Professor of Science and Technology Studies
Head of Department of Philosophy and History
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
School of Architecture and the Built Environment
Department of Philosophy and History
Division of History of Science, Technology and Environment
Teknikringen 74 D
SE-100 44 Stockholm, Sweden
Fon: +46 8 790 87 41
Email: sabine.hoehler(a)<>
Doktorandkurs med inriktning mot hållbarhet ur ett historiskt perspektiv
Whose world? Resource (ab)use in the longue durée
Lund University, 2 September - 26 October (7,5 ECTS)
Deadline for application 23 August.
This course critically investigates how the use and abuse of resources have been shaped by specific dominant histories and discourses in the longue durée whilst occluding alternatives, with important consequences for issues of sustainability. It offers students various critical and historical perspectives on resource (ab)use with the aim of critically evaluating the historical background of contemporary resource (ab)use and sustainability. The course is structured around six thematic sessions connected by an overarching historical perspective. Each session will begin with a brief lecture and be followed by a seminar in which small groups make presentations to critically introduce and discuss notions and perspectives brought up in the course literature relating to a specific theme.
* Register for the course by sending Joachim Östlund an e-mail of your interest.
* joachim.oslund(a)<>
Följande lärare från Lunds universitet undervisar:
Elsa Trolle Önnerfors, rättshistoria (Juridiska fakulteten)
Georgia De Leeuwe, Freds- och konfliktvetenskap (Samhällsvetenskaplig fakultet)
John Hennessey, Idé- och lärdomshistoria (Fakulteten för humaniora och teologi)
Mads Jensen, Historia (Fakulteten för humaniora och teologi)
Magdalena Naum, Antikens kultur och samhällsliv (Fakulteten för humaniora och teologi)
Joachim Östlund, Historia (Fakulteten för humaniora och teologi)
Sprid gärna till potentiellt intresserade doktorander i närliggande ämnen!
(Ursäkta eventuella dubbelpostningar.)
Föreningen Mediehistoriskt arkiv<> bjuder in till Mediehistoriskt symposium i Uppsala den 24–25 oktober 2024. Symposiet arrangeras i samarbete med Institutionen för idéhistoria och Centrum för digital humaniora och samhällsvetenskap, Uppsala universitet.
OBS! Deadline för abstracts har förlängts till den 14 augusti.
Temat för symposiet är Digitaliseringens svarta svanar.
Vi välkomnar även presentationer kring andra tematiker och frågor med relevans för mediehistorisk forskning i vid bemärkelse.
Inledande talare:
Fredrik Mohammadi Norén, Malmö universitet, ”Den oändliga mediehistorien: Digitalisering av riksdagstrycket, 1867–2024”.
För mer information om evenemanget: se konferensens hemsida<…>.
Varmt välkomna med era bidrag!
Solveig Jülich, Matts Lindström och Jonatan Samuelsson (Uppsala universitet)
Charlie Järpvall (Linnéuniversitetet)
* * *
Solveig Jülich
Dept of History of Science and Ideas
Uppsala University
+46 (0)73-9411303
Recent publications:
Rethinking the Public Fetus: Historical Perspectives on the Visual Culture of Pregnancy<…>
Pusseltävlingar för de ofödda: Expressens insamling till prenatalforskning 1957–1990<…>
Embryologiska rum: Tornbladinstitutets samling av foster från människor och djur<…>
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