Hi all,
In this
you will find important documents for the upcoming Athens meeting on
19-21 of March
- Document "Useful information": Info about the venue, transportation,
suggested hotels etc
- Document "Suggestions for agend items": Please fill in your suggested
topics*by Friday 14*
- Spreadsheet "participants information" . Please fill in the people who
are attending *by Monday 17.* We need to have infomation about the
number of participants to arrange dinner, catering etc
Best Wishes,
Marianthi Grizioti (PhD)
Assistant Professor
/Department of Educational Studies, School of Philosophy/
/National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece/
/Educational Technology Lab (ETL)/ <http://etl.eds.uoa.gr/>//
Research Gate
<https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Marianthi_Grizioti> | Academia
<https://en-uoa-gr.academia.edu/MarianthiGrizioti>| LinkedIn
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