Dear All
Full Agenda for the Athens Meeting
* Attached is the 3-day programme, which can also be found linked here<…>.
* Also attached is the 9-month Summary Reporting<…>.
* Note: The locations of the meeting days as noted in the agenda are different: Day 1 (Wednesday), is not the same as for Days 2 &3 (Thursday and …
[View More]Friday).
Teams Link
* The Teams Link for those of you who plan to attend any of the sessions virtually can be found in the agenda (thanks to Benny for fixing this).
* NB: Time differences. All times on the agenda are CEST. (Time differences if joining virtually are minus one hour in UK; and plus 1 hour in Greece).
Logistics and Practical Information
* The linked Ghent Meeting Folder<> has all practical information including transport information if arriving at Brussels airport<…>.
A special thank you to Katrien, Lieva, Benny and Ilse, for organising everything and the information provided.
* If you need to contact me,.
* E: shamim.patel(a)<>. If urgent: M: +46 705 898 396
* For any practical or logistics questions please contact Katrien, Lieva, Benny or Ilse. Their contact information is on the Particpants sheet<…> :
Safe travels and very much looking forward to seeing most of you soon.
Best regards
Shamim Patel (ACA)
Project Manager | Exten.(D.T.)2 Project
Linnæus University
Office of External Relations
SE-351 95 Växjö | Sweden
M: +46 (0)705 898396 |<>
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Date: Friday, 22 September 2023 at 17:39
Subject: Call for Experts on the Future of Democracy’
Dear expert and coordinators,
On behalf of DG RTD we would like to share with you the following information:
JRC has published a Call for Experts on ‘Challenges and opportunities for the Future of Democracy’. The call will be open to applicants until 9th …
[View More]October 2023, 12:00 (CET):…
Many thanks for sharing with your partners and beneficiaries and best regards,
Research Programme Administrator
European Research Executive Agency (REA)
Established by the European Commission
Unit C1
SB34 11/124
Simon Bolivar 34
1210 Bruxelles – Belgium
+32 229-54008
This message is intended for the use of the addressee only and may contain information that is privileged and confidential. If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that any dissemination of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by return of this e-mail. This communication does not constitute any formal commitment on behalf of the European Research Executive Agency or the European Commission.
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Dear All
* Timing: Lunch to Lunch; Wed 27 - Fri 29 September, 2023
* Place: Ghent, Belgium
Ghent Meeting Folder
* Here is the link:…
* If you are planning to attend, please populate this link with at least your name by next Wednesday (6th September).…
* Other information on the excel sheet can be …
[View More]added as and when you know.
Agenda items
* If you have proposals for Agenda items please add into this document by COB Monday 11th September.
Hotels, Logistics and Other Useful Information
* UGent (Katrien, Lieva and Ilse) will kindly populate the folder with this information early next week, so please be patient.
* If you have any urgent enquiries before then please contact Katrien and Ilse who are cc’ed in on this email.
Kind regards
Shamim Patel (ACA)
Project Manager | Exten.(D.T.)2 Project
Linnæus University
Office of External Relations
SE-351 95 Växjö | Sweden
M: +46 (0)705 898396 |<>
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Dear All
Note: This event is at the same time as our physical meeting in Ghent. The event will be recorded and be available later on the same page<…>.
(Thanks to Angel, our Project Officer for sharing.)
Br, Shamim
Date: Tuesday, 12 September 2023 at 15:44
To: Tae Eun Kim <>, Marcelo Milrad <marcelo.milrad(a)…
[View More]gt;, Shamim Patel <shamim.patel(a)>, Ruben García Vidal <vidalr(a)>, Inmaculada Remolar Quintana <remolar(a)>, Marcos Fernández Marín <Marcos.Fernandez(a)>, Garofalakis George <GarofalakisG(a)>, "Schramm, Hans-Joachim" <Hans-Joachim.Schramm(a)>, Christothea Herodotou <christothea.herodotou(a)>, "karacap(a)" <karacap(a)>, Gerardo Herrera Gutiérrez <gerardo.herrera(a)>, Carina GIRVAN <girvanc(a)>
Subject: FW: INVITATION: STOA Workshop 'Human-computer confluence in education', Wednesday, 27 September 2023, 15:00-18:00 CET, Room SPAAK 7C50
FYI, best regards,
From: STOA <stoa(a)>
Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2023 3:23 PM
To: STOA Secretariat (EP) <stoa(a)>
Subject: INVITATION: STOA Workshop 'Human-computer confluence in education', Wednesday, 27 September 2023, 15:00-18:00 CET, Room SPAAK 7C50
Programme and registration<…>
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Dear All
Draft Agenda
* Linked here<…> and attached is the draft Agenda for the Ghent Meeting.
* If you have any comments please let me know by COB next Friday 22 November, after which the agenda will be finalised.
* Note: The agenda is comprehensive so no separate OMT meeting is planned during this.
Participatory Info
* Please check and fill the linked spreadsheet below by COB Monday 18 …
[View More]September in all places indicated. This will help our Ghent Colleagues cater and book meeting rooms for the right number of people.…
* If you are not sure and/or need more time, inform Katrien, Benny or Ilse of when you will be able to confirm.
The Ghent Folder<…> linked here contains detailed information on logistics and hotel recommendations.
Fyi: I will be out of the office from tomorrow - until next Friday 22 September, so will be slow to respond until then.
Best regards to everyone for the w/e!
Shamim Patel (ACA)
Project Manager | Exten.(D.T.)2 Project
Linnæus University
Office of External Relations
SE-351 95 Växjö | Sweden
M: +46 (0)705 898396 |<>
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