Welcome to submit your abstract today!
/ Helena Pettersson
Call for papers!
Open Panel:
Autocensura in Academia and STS — Transformations, negotiations and practices of knowledge production. Methods, paradigms and theoretical challenges
The EASST-4S conference in 2024 Amsterdam: Making and Doing Transformations
Please submit your abstract through the website:
Panel organizers: Helena Pettersson & Izabela Wagner
Panel Chair: Prof. Sharon Traweek, UCLA
Short Panel Abstract:
This panel focus on autocensura in relation to transformations, negotiations and practices of scientific knowledge production and STS. The papers in this panel highlights autocensura as a social and cultural phenomenon, and its part of and impact on methods, paradigms and theoretical challenges.
Long Abstract:
One of the most classic examples of the limitation of academic freedom is the censorship in spaces controlled by authoritarian governments. However, censorship is also practiced within research communities, and also, among single researchers. In this panel, we focus on transformations, negotiations and practices of knowledge production in relationship to STS and the phenomenon autocensura (latin term) (Wagner 2020; 2022, Pettersson 2016).
We invite papers that among other topics address the following areas:
Descriptions and analysis of autocensura practices (in various fields - social sciences, natural sciences and humanities)
Spaces of autocensura - the areas covered by silences (topic covered by it)
Relationship between the status of the researcher and the autocensura practice (precarity and career stage)
The dynamic of political context and autocensura practices
Autocensura in the past - case studies (collective or individual biographies)
Symbolic violence of autocensura
Gender, ethnic, age, family, migration situation, and class factors regarding autocensura practices
Relation to mentors and peers as a frame for autocensura practices.
Autocensura is a sociological phenomenon, part of the process of knowledge construction.
Ideally, the most critical findings are included in academic texts. However, an author/researcher may decide not to publish results (or part of it), despite the high quality of the data and/or the high relevance of the conclusions. (Wagner, 2020: 133). Autocensura is practiced by researchers who are working in various disciplines and in various political contexts (not only under authoritarian regimes) (Wagner, 2022). They may withhold knowledge that might produce transformations, and thus revive questions regarding knowledge production, roles, and commitments, for the research community and society.
In this panel we are eager to focus on the process, its stages, contexts, dynamics, interactions between the author(s) and their milieu, and its impacts on knowledge production, and its impact on methods, paradigms and theoretical challenges.
If you have any questions, please contact the panel organizers:
Associate Prof. Helena Pettersson helena.pettersson(a)umu.se<mailto:helena.pettersson@umu.se> Umeå University, Sweden
Prof. Izabela Wagner izabela.wagner(a)u-paris.fr<mailto:izabela.wagner@u-paris.fr> Université Paris Cité, France
Helena Pettersson Ph.D.
Deputy Departmental Chair
Head of Research Associate Professor
Dept. of Culture & Media Studies
Umeå University
SE 901 87 Umeå
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Nordic 2.0 and beyond
The 36th Nordic Ethnology and Folklore Conference in Turku/Åbo, Finland
June 11–14 2025
Organisers: Åbo Akademi University and Turku University
It is time to meet again at the Nordic Ethnology and Folklore Conference. The 36th edition of the conference aims to reconnect with the roots of NEFK. We therefore invite all Nordic scholars, and scholars of the Nordic, to Turku/Åbo in Finland to expand our horizons once more.
We invite proposals for panels, posters, workshops, and roundtable discussions that explore contemporary perspectives on culture, cultural identities, representations, and socio-cultural changes in the Nordic region and beyond. How do we approach everyday life, traditions, history, and futures in times of migration, fluctuating borders, environmental change, and artificial intelligence? What is the role of academic scholarship, archives, museums, and art in problematizing identity policies, heritage, and power in contemporary societies? What kind of methodological challenges are we facing as we analyse society, including its values, conflicts, and inconsistencies?
The Nordic region is frequently viewed as a model welfare society. However, what is meant by referring to the Nordic, both historically and presently? Is it a geographic region, an imagined community, a way of life, or a theoretical framework? Finally, what could Nordic 2.0 and beyond be and become? Let us explore these and other questions together!
Deadlines for proposals will be announced shortly
Conference language: Scandinavian and English
Workshop for doctoral students: June 10
Excursions: June 14
Contact: etnofolk(a)abo.fi<mailto:etnofolk@abo.fi>
Nordic 2.0 and beyond
Den 36:e Nordiska etnolog- och folkloristkonferensen i Åbo, Finland
11–14 juni 2025
Arrangörer: Åbo Akademi och Åbo universitet
Det är återigen dags att träffas på den Nordiska etnolog- och folkloristkonferensen och denna gång återknyter vi till NEFK:s ursprung. Vi bjuder därför in alla nordiska kollegor, och de som forskar om Norden, till Åbo, Finland.
Vi välkomnar förslag på paneler, postrar, workshoppar och rundabordssamtal som diskuterar samtida perspektiv på kultur, kulturella identiteter, representationer och sociokulturella förändringar inom och utanför Norden. Hur närmar vi oss vardagsliv, traditioner, historia och framtid i tider av migration, fluktuerande gränser, klimatförändring och artificiell intelligens? Vilken roll spelar akademisk forskning, arkiv, museer och konst i problematiseringen av identitetspolitik, kulturarv och makt i samtida samhällen? Vilken typ av metodologiska utmaningar står vi inför när vi analyserar kulturella processer, värderingar, konflikter och inkonsekvenser?
Vid sidan om denna breda ansats ser vi konferensen som en möjlighet att problematisera Norden som koncept, idé och praktik. Vad menas med Norden, både historiskt och i nutid? Är det en geografisk region, en föreställd gemenskap, en livsstil eller något helt annat? Slutligen, vad skulle Norden 2.0 kunna vara och bli? Låt oss utforska dessa och andra frågor tillsammans!
Deadline för paneler etc. meddelas inom kort
Konferensspråk: skandinaviska och engelska
Workshop för doktorander: 10 juni
Exkursioner: 14 juni
Kontakt: etnofolk(a)abo.fi<mailto:etnofolk@abo.fi>
Blanka Henriksson, docent
Äldre universitetslektor i kulturanalys, inriktning mot etnologi och folkloristik
Kandidatprogramansvarig Kultur, historia och filosofi
Åbo Akademi