Hi all,
Conor Start from University of Hull would like to share material that was talked about
during the last SI-PASS Fika on March 11, 2024, see attached and below (for context)
Best wishes, Joakim (European centre for SI-PASS)
From Conor:
The University of Hull has had a University Library Volunteer Charter since 2012. The
charter is used whenever a student volunteers with the Library and covers our PASS Leader,
PASS Mentor and Library Volunteer roles. The charter is a formal way of students agreeing
to the role and is similar to setting ground rules in a PASS session. It outlines the
different roles, what is expected, and what support we offer to them during their time
volunteering with us. On the last page we ask them to tick if they agree to share their
information, for us to contact them and for their consent to allow us to take photos of
them for promotional purposes. The students do not have to agree to any of these if they
do not want to, but we often find they do consent. We use a mixture of physical and
digital versions of the charter. We also have a similar charter for academic contacts to
sign when they agree to support the PASS scheme within their department. We have found it
useful to formalise our agreement to work together and it helps us to set expectations for
Kind Regards,