Hi All,
I hope this message finds you well. I was wondering was their any development of a PASS
App to help leaders and participants interact to maintain social distancing etc?
Many thanks for any information you can provide.
Best wishes,
Robert Vaughan BSc., MSc., PhD., FHEA
Senior Lecturer in Sport and Exercise Psychology
Programme Lead for Psychology
Room HG209, School of Education, Language, and Psychology
York St John University
Lord Mayor's Walk, York, England, YO31 7EX
Tel: 01904876802 | Mob: 07709572751
Weblinks: Google
Scholar<https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=vll1sOMAAAAJ&hl=en… |
ResearchGate<https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Robert_Vaughan8> |
@DrRobertVaughan<https://twitter.com/DrRobertVaughan> | ORCID
Book a tutorial
here<https://outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/RobertVaughan at
yorksj.ac.uk/bookings/> | Access articles on
From: Si-pass <si-pass-bounces at lists.sunet.se> On Behalf Of Lise-Lotte Mörner
Sent: 23 June 2020 15:29
To: si-pass at lists.sunet.se
Subject: [SI-PASS listserver] Link to SI-PASS Resource Bank
Dear Colleagues,
Thank you so much to those who attended the 3rd Zoom meeting on SI/PASS/PAL Leader
training today! At the meeting we spoke about a SI-PASS Resource Bank where supervisors
can share/bring/borrow ideas and experiences regarding for example online training and
other ideas. So to all SI/PASS/PAL supervisors, here is the link to the Resource Bank and
very welcome to share:
Best regards,
European Centre for SI-PASS
Joakim, Leif, Lise-Lotte, Marcia and Will