Från: Historians without Borders <info(a)>
Skickat: den 31 januari 2025 11:11
Till: Susanna Erlandsson <susanna.erlandsson(a)>
Ämne: Save the date: Shaping the Past – Decolonization and Memory Struggles in Russia
6.3.2025 / Stockholm
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Shaping the Past – Decolonization and Memory Struggles in Russia
16:00-19:30 (CET)
ABF Stockholm (Sveavägen 41) / Stream
Save the date for the seminar “Shaping the Past – Decolonization and Memory Struggles in
Organized by Historians without Borders in Finland, this event explores how history in and
around Russia is shaped, contested, and reclaimed, focusing on decolonization, memory
politics, and the agency of historians. Experts will discuss how state-driven memory
policies influence public perceptions of the past and examine strategies to resist
historical manipulation. Through two panel discussions, participants will explore the
roles of borderlands and suppressed voices, as well as strategies for countering political
distortions and defending independent research and public history.
You’re warmly welcome! The event will also be streamed online.
Pre-registration for the event is required. The registration form for the event will be
opened during February. Additional information on the programme and speakers as well as
the registration form will be updated to Historians without Borders'
The event is a part of History in Exile: Dialogue on Russian Memory and History Politics
in the Nordic and Baltic
a project launched by Historians without Borders in Finland and funded by the Nordic
Council of Ministers. The project focuses on dialogue with historians and history teachers
in the Nordics and Baltics on Russian history and memory politics.
16:00-17:30 Panel 1: "Decentring Dominant Historical Narratives in and around Russia
– Decolonization, Borderlands, and People"
This panel explores how historical narratives in and around Russia have been shaped by
imperial legacies and power structures, often marginalizing borderland regions and
minority perspectives. Bringing together scholars working on decolonization, transnational
histories, and local memory practices, the discussion will highlight alternative
frameworks that challenge dominant state-centered interpretations.
17:30-18:00 Coffee break
18:00-19:30 Panel 2: "Historians’ Response to Memory Manipulations: How to Win the
Battle for the Past?"
This panel examines how historians can counteract political manipulations of history and
resist the instrumentalization of the past. Participants will discuss strategies for
engaging the public, challenging historical distortions, and maintaining academic
integrity in the face of propaganda and censorship. The discussion will explore concrete
examples of memory politics in Russia and beyond, highlighting ways to defend history in
an era of disinformation.
Additional information:
Historians without Borders in Finland<><…
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