Call for Papers:
Unboxing Digital Methods, Practices and Public Engagement
6th Digital History in Sweden Conference, Linnéuniversitetet
Datum: 7-8 November 2024
CFP Deadline: 1 September 2024
Plats: Linnéuniversitetet (Växjö campus) med en begränsad kapacitet för onlinepresentationer.
Vi välkomnar förslag på papers, paneler, rundabordssamtal och posterpresentationer inom digital historia och särskilt bidrag relaterade till konferensens tema, Unboxing Digital Methods, Practices and Public Engagement. Papers om projektidéer eller pågående arbete är också välkomna.
För mer info:…
Kontakt: digitalhistory2024(a)<>
Bästa hälsningar,
Sara Ellis-Nilsson och Eleonor Marcussen
Sara E. Ellis-Nilsson, Docent, Researcher
Bitr. & ställf. prefekt (Kulturvetenskaper) / Deputy Department Head (Cultural Sciences)
Vice prefekt med ansvar för utbildningsfrågor / Assistant Head responsible for educational issues
DigArv Project Leader: 'Mapping Lived Religion'…
Twitter/X: @MappingSaints
Institutionen för kulturvetenskaper (KV)
Hej alla!
Historieämnet på Linköpings universitet söker en vikarierande universitetslektor som kan hjälpa till i undervisningen( på 40%) under HT 24.
Sista ansökningsdag är 6 juni. Sprid gärna till intresserade.
Läs mer här:
Vänliga hälsningar
Maria Björkman, studierektor historia
[Linköping University]
Maria Björkman, Ph.D.
Senior Lecturer in History
Department of Culture and Society
581 83 Linköping, Sweden
Telephone: +46 (0) 13 28 23 76
Visiting address: Key building, room 4338, Valla Campus, Linköping
Latest publication: What's in a Gland? Sexuality, Reproduction and the Prostate in Early Twentieth-Century Medicine<>
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Hej kollegor!
Jag vill gärna informera om att Routledge ligger i startgroparna med en "Handbook of Swedish History", tänkt publikation våren 2028 digitalt och i pappersform. Redaktör är undertecknad och jag har precis börjat fundera kring upplägg och enrollerat de första skribenterna.
Jag har plats för ett fyrtiotal texter - det blir en tegelsten - som ska skildra "state of the art" inom olika teman och kronologiska perioder. Jag skickar med ett väldigt preliminärt upplägg (se bifogad fil eller inklistrad text nedanför mejlet).
Jag tar gärna emot tips, synpunkter, och inte minst intresseanmälningar om att vara med och skriva! Det går bra att höra av sig till mig på hanna.enefalk(a)<>, och jag har också gjort en facebooksida där alla som vill kan följa arbetet, länk nedan:
Önskar er alla en fin sommar!
Hanna Enefalk
Hanna Enefalk
Lektor i historia vid Karlstads universitet
Hanna Enefalk | Karlstads universitet (<>
Handbook of Swedish History (Routledge, planerad publicering våren 2028)
Utkast till kapitelindelning
I. From Iron Age Society to Medieval Kingdom, 900-1500
* The Vikings (an overview of research about late Iron age economy, society and religion, including slavery, shipbuilding, international contacts and life "at home" in Scandinavia)
* Christianization and state formation
* The consolidation of the Swedish realm, the expansion into Norrland and Finland, codification of law and building of royal fortresses
* Trade and towns: the Hanseatic league, the kogg, trade on the Baltic, fairs, exports-imports and local markets
* The calamitous 14th century
* The Kalmar union and the rebellions of the 15th century
* The medieval church, the formation of the parishes (socknarna), the veneration of saints, the role of women in medieval Swedish Christianity
II. Early Modern Sweden, 1500-1800
* The beginnings of the early modern state: the break-up of the Kalmar Union and the reformation under the reigns of Gustav Vasa to Karl IX
* The society of estates and the Lutheran orthodoxy (norms, world view, church documentation of the population, Bible translations, moral control and witch processes, agency and negotiation, widows as heads of households)
* From the 30 years war to the Great Northern war: Expansion of state power, military build-up and aggression, territorial conquest, the reduction and indelningsverket, the collapse of the Swedish great power
* Waterways, fisheries and water power: the Baltic herring fisheries, fishing (in the north not to forget), naval technology (chronological outlooks beyond the early modern period)
* Finland as part of the Swedish realm
* Colonial aspirations and attempts to take part in international trade (New Sweden, the East India company, St Barthelemy, chronological outlooks)
* "Age of Freedom" and Gustavian absolutism (the legal code of 1734, Swedish scientists, changes in the countryside, emerging public sphere)
* Gender and work in early modern Sweden
III. A Growing Population in a Small State, 1800-1900
* Sweden and the Napoleonic wars (political history)
* From a society of estates to a class society
* Agrarian reform and change
* Pauperization, crofters and poor relief (legislation and practice)
* The national project from Gustav III to the interwar period; national "others" (minorities and foreign powers), Scandinavianism
* Sami and tornedalingar. State power, natural resources, discrimination and legislation in the north
* Secularisation - the evangelical revival, increasing religious freedom, the secularisation of the school system, the "divorce" in 2000
* Women's rights. Legislation, unmarried mothers and infanticide, Fredrika Bremer, the moral crisis (syphilis and prostitution), the Women's movement for voting rights, the Fogelsta group
* The emigration and Swedish Americans
* The demographic transition
* Forestry and forest use (medieval times-today): grazing, tar and coal production, timber, pulp
IV. A Modern Democracy, 1900-2020
* The emergence of civil society: from associations to people's movements; IOGT/NTO, sports clubs, cooperations
* The industrial revolution - energy use, innovation, capital, social and environmental consequences
* Socialism in Sweden. The Workers' movement, labour unions, voting rights, the democratic break-through, the "people's home" and the welfare state
* The agrarian sector: urbanisation and rationalisation, technological change (fertilizers and tractors)
* Animal history (chronological overview). Iron age fur trade, reindeer herding, hunting, animal stock over time, war horses, vermin, extinction of predators, emerging animal protection, modern high-yield breeds
* Social history: demographic change and increasing living standards. From hunger riots in 1917 to the "record years" and world-leading BNP/capita after WWII
* Medicine in the 20th century (incl. psychiatry)
* The interwar period (political history). The Saltsjöbad agreement, the lack of Nazi success in elections.
* Sweden and the Holocaust (Karin Kvist Geverts, ev. med Izabela Dahl)
* Sweden and WWII: Political leadership, neutrality, Finnish aid, Swedish exports to belligerents
* 20th-century international contacts and diplomacy (secular in the UN etc + Christian ecumenical development)
* Children's rights - Ellen Key, the transition to small nuclear families, legislation against violence in schools and in the home, plunging child mortality
* The gay and queer history of Sweden
* Gender equality and labour market after WWII - baby boom, 50s stay-at-home wives and early marriages, family planning and abortion, 60s-70s tax-financed childcare and individual taxation etc. The gender-divided labour market
* Recent history. The end of the cold war, the 90s economic crisis, the IT revolution, environmental concerns, immigration, populism, covid, NATO...
V. Thematic chapters
* School systems and education history (Johannes Westberg)
* Art and literature - overview of relevant questions in current historical research in Arts and Literature?
* Historical research in Musicology?
* Swedish historiography from Rudbeck to Weibull and over to today's orientation towards British and American historians.
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The 29th Nordic Medical History Congress
Lund Sweden, April 23–25, 2025
Health and Medicine under Pressure
– Challenges, Controversies and Collaborations
For more information:<>
/Organising Committee
Den amerikanske historikern Shelton Stromquist är på Sverigebesök i sommar! Den 10 juni föreläser han i ABF-huset i Stockholmför den intresserade allmänheten. Föreläsningen är på engelska.
Om föreläsningen:
In the late nineteenth century, urban workers fought to make their cities livable and democratic through municipal socialist politics, challenging the class power of urban elites as well as the centralizing tendencies of national social-democratic movements. In his latest book, Claiming the City: A Global History of Workers’ Fight for Municipal Socialism<> (Verso Books, 2023), Shelton Stromquist offers a world-spanning account of the rise of municipal socialism, drawing on stories of local activists and their social-democratic movements in cities like Malmö, Stuttgart, Vienna, Milwaukee, and many others.
Shelton Stromquist, professor emeritus i Historia vid University of Iowa. Specialiserad i arbetar- och socialhistoria.
Tid och plats:
10 juni, kl. 17:00.
Katasalen, plan 1, ABF-huset.
Fri entré!
DATUM 10/6
TID 17:00
ARRANGÖR Stads- och kommunhistoriska institutet, Historiska Institutionen vid Stockholms universitet, Arbetarrörelsens arkiv och bibliotek, ABF Stockholm
PLATS Katasalen, ABF-huset, Sveavägen 41……<…>
Institutionen för kultur och samhälle (IKOS) vid Linköpings universitet söker minst en postdoktor i modern historia med inriktning mot kultur och beredskap och med placering vid Avdelningen för historia, konstvetenskap och religionsvetenskap (HKR) på Campus Valla, Linköping. Anställningen omfattar två år med möjlig förlängning till tre år. Internationella sökanden är välkomna.
Välkommen med din ansökan eller sprid gärna utlysningen till den du tror kan vara intresserad!
Marie Cronqvist
Professor i modern historia
Avdelningen för historia, konstvetenskap och religionsvetenskap (HKR)
Institutionen för kultur och samhälle (IKOS)
Linköpings universitet
Hej alla,
3-4 oktober 2024, en månad före det dramatiska presidentvalet i USA, håller Swedish Association for American Studies (SAAS) konferens på Södertörns högskola. Keynote speaker (3 oktober, 15:00) är James T. Kloppenberg, professor i USA:s historia vid Harvard, bl.a. känd för verket Toward Democracy: The Struggle for Self-rule in European and American Thought (2016). Efter föredraget deltar Kloppenberg även i ett panelsamtal med Cecilia Khavar, Göran Rosenberg, Dag Blanck och Christin Mays. Välkomna med förslag till presentationer eller informella roundtables! Deadline 31 maj. Se bifogad CfP.
Goda hälsningar,
David Östlund
Associate Professor, History of Ideas
Södertörn University - Stockholm
School of Historical and Contemporary Studies
SE-141 89 Huddinge
Room F 818
Cell phone: + 46 732 099393<tel:+46732099393>
Hej alla,
Professor Matteo Millan<> vid universitetet i Padua har bett mig dela följande information med svenska historiker: han söker en postdoktoral forskare i svensk historia för en tjänst om 24 månader (med möjlighet till 12 månaders förlängning). Det är inom ett större ERC-finansierat projekt om vapen och våld i Europa ca 1870-1970 och Matteo kommer samtidigt anställa ett par postdoks som kommer forska om andra länder. Man kommer alltså vara del av ett större forskarlag.
Jag bifogar utlysningen och har också klistrat in den nödvändigaste informationen nedan.
Den som är intresserad och har frågor kan höra av sig till Matteo: matteo.millan(a)<>
Erik Bengtsson
Description of the research project.
This postdoctoral fellowship is part of the ERC Consolidator Grant 'A Disarmed Continent? Gun Culture, Gun Control and the Making of Western Europe (c. 1870-1970)'. The project is a
comparative study integrating legal, cultural, social and practical analyses of the lawful use and possession of small firearms. Within the general framework of the project, the postdoctoral
researcher will study the case of Sweden between c. 1870 and 1945. Over the course of a century (c. 1870-1970), Europe experienced a silent revolution that led to the
implementation of gun control measures and the depoliticisation and cultural deglamourisation of guns. This transition has become one of the foundations of public order, social peace and the smooth
functioning of political systems. The overall aim of the project is to explore the causes and historical processes that have led to this change and its implications for European history.
In the light of the existing literature and within the chronological framework of this fellowship (1870-1945), the postdoctoral researcher will select case studies on which to focus the research, identifying
the most appropriate sources and methodologies. The postdoctoral researcher will carry out a research project based on an integrated approach to the legal, cultural, social and practical aspects of
the lawful use and possession of small firearms by law-abiding civilians. The methodologies envisaged by the project, which the postdoctoral fellow will be invited to select and implement,
include: a) security studies; b) entangled legal history; c) guns as material objects; d) advertising; e) gender studies.
Research fellow's duties and profile
The researcher will study the use and legal possession of weapons in Sweden between 1870 and 1945. In particular, the research fellow will define case studies, collect and analyse relevant primary
sources in national and local archives and libraries. The collected sources must also be made available for consultation and analysis by the other scholars in the research group. The research
fellow will have: excellent knowledge of Swedish history; very good experience in collecting and studying archival sources; willingness to work in archives and libraries abroad; excellent
knowledge of Swedish; good knowledge of English, which will be the common language of the research group and the planned publications. The researcher must be highly motivated and willing
to work with the entire research group.
Vi lyser nu ut tre doktorandplatser.
Deadline för ansökan: 12 juni
Startdatum för utbildningen: 1 september
Se länk på svenska resp. engelska:
Tom Petersson
Senior lecturer, Dept. of Economic History
Senior advisor, Vice-Chancellors Office
Uppsala University
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