Svenska Sällskapet för 1700-talsstudier och Finska sällskapet för 1700-talsstudier bjuder in till Forskningsfront fredag 3 februari klockan 14-16 svensk tid (15-17 finsk tid).
Fyra nydisputerade 1700-talsforskare presenterar sina avhandlingar och svarar på frågor om sin forskning:
Ylva Haidenthaller (konsthistoria, Lunds universitet), The Medal in Early Modern Sweden: Significances and Practices<…>
Astrid Wendel-Hansen (tidigare Pajur; historia, Uppsala universitet), Dress Matters: Clothes and Social Order in Tallinn, 1600-1700<>
Saara-Maija Kontturi, (historia, Jyväskylä University), Lääkärikunnan synty. Suomen lääkärit n. 1750-1850 [The birth of the medical profession: Finnish doctors, c. 1750-1850]<>
Annika Windahl Pontén (idé- och lärdomshistoria, Uppsala universitet), Kiär hustru, wackra barn, bodde i ett palais: Identitet och materialitet i hushållet von Linné<>
Presentationerna sker på svenska och engelska och följs via denna Zoom-länk:
Sprid gärna denna information!
/Jonas Nordin & Johanna Ilmakunnas
Ordförande i Sällskapet för 1700-talsstudier | Finska sällskapet för 1700-talsstudier
Jonas Nordin
Professor of Book and Library History
Department of Arts and Cultural Sciences | Division of Book History
Visiting address: Helgonavägen 3, Lund
Postal address: Lund University, Box 192, 221 00 Lund, Sweden
Telephone: +46-(0)46-222 3142<>
When you send emails to Lund University, we process your personal data in accordance with existing legislation.
To find out more about the processing of your personal data, visit the Lund University website<…>
Hej kollegor,
En postdoc-tjänst i historia på 2,5 år (75%) utlyses inom projektet Humanitarian Great Power? The Local Reception of Refugees in Sweden, 1700-1730. Hjälp gärna till att sprida annonsen vidare till tänkbara intressenter!… (Swedish version).… (English version)
Läs mer om själva projektet här:…
Med vänliga hälsningar
Sari Nauman
Pro Futura Scientia XVII Fellow, SCAS
Docent in History, University of Gothenburg
Postdoc in History, Centre for Privacy Studies, Universty of Copenhagen
University of Gothenburg
Department of Historical Studies
Box 200
405 30 Gothenburg, Sweden
Recent publications:
Baltic Hospitality from the Middle Ages to the Twentieth Century: Receiving Strangers in Northeastern Europe, eds: Sari Nauman, Wojtek Jezierski, Christina Reimann & Leif Runefelt (London: Palgrave, 2022).<> (Open Access)
Private/Public in 18th-Century Scandinavia, eds: Sari Nauman & Helle Vogt (London: Bloomsbury, 2022).<…> (Open Access)
'Sweden Inc.: Temporal Sovereignty of the Realm and People from the Middle Ages to Modernity'<>, by Wojtek Jezierski, Sari Nauman, Thomas Lindkvist & Biörn Tjällén, Scandinavian Studies 94:3 (2022), pp. 352-381.
'Peripheral Promises: Political Oaths as Instruments of Trust and Control, Sweden 1520-1718', The Seventeenth Century 37:3 (2022), doi:
'Securitisation of Space and Time', Journal of the British Academy 9:4s (2021), pp. 13-31. DOI:
en gemensam konferens för early career scholars under titeln "Negotiating Modern Ways of Life: Life-Reform Movements in Central and Eastern Europe since 1900" organiseras av Herder-Institut für historische Ostmitteleuropaforschung och Centre for Baltic and East European Studies (CBEES) på Södertörns högskola i Marburg, 18-19 september 2023.…
Negotiating Modern Ways of Life: Life-Reform Movements in Central and Eastern Europe since 1900 - Herder-Institut<…>
Since the late 19th century, a wave of issue-oriented life-reform movements has developed across Europe and America, particularly in the areas of nutrition, clothing, consumption, housing, healthcare and moral reform. Such movements became a corollary and a critique of industrialisation, urbanisation, mass communication, and societal change.
Sista ansökningsdag är 28 februari 2023. Vid frågor kontakta gärna: julia.malitska(a)
Med vänlig hälsning, Julia Malitska.
Project Researcher, School of Historical and Contemporary Studies
Research Leader, Centre for Baltic and East European Studies (CBEES)
Alfred Nobels Allé 7
141 89 Huddinge
+46 (0)8 608 4000
Den 16 mars anordnar CERL, Consortium of European Research Libraries, ett endagssymposium i Uppsala på temat bibliotek i krigstid, med nio föreläsare från olika delar av världen. Symposiet vänder sig till alla intresserade och är ett hybridarrangemang som kan besökas på plats i Uppsala eller online på Zoom. Deltagande är gratis men föranmälan krävs. Läs mer om symposiet nedan och anmäl er via länken.
Jonas Nordin
Professor i bok- och bibliotekshistoria
Institutionen för kulturvetenskaper | Avd. för bokhistoria
Besöksadress: Helgonavägen 3, Lund
Postadress: Lunds universitet, Box 192, 221 00 Lund
Telefon: 046-222 3142<>
När du skickar e-post till Lunds universitet behandlar vi dina personuppgifter i enlighet med gällande lagstiftning.
Mer om hur dina personuppgifter behandlas hittar du på Lunds universitets webbplats<>
Libraries are especially impacted during times of national and international conflict. In fact, cultural heritage institutions are often targeted for destruction to undermine the national and cultural identities of those under attack. While the theft of cultural artefacts as spoils of war were historically, under the correct circumstances, in accordance with international law in the early modern period, such practices have been strongly condemned in the modern period. Nevertheless, the international community continues to witness the plunder and destruction of libraries and museums during modern armed conflicts.
Libraries in the Time of War<>, hosted by Uppsala University on March 16, 2023, will address these issues directly. The daylong, hybrid symposium will host an internal assemblage of nine speakers from different continents sharing their personal experiences on the topic of libraries during wartime. Topics will include:
* The history and legacy of libraries during wartime
* Curatorial efforts to save collections from plunder and destruction
* The legacy of conflict, including institutional ownership of stolen or looted cultural heritage
* Legal complications regarding the restitution of cultural heritage
Libraries in the Time of War is free and open to the public. However, registration is required and space is limited. For those not able to join in-person or virtually, the event will be recorded and posted online.
The symposium is arranged and supported by Uppsala University in collaboration with IFLA (International Federation for Library Associations) and CERL (Consortium for European Research Libraries).
Schedule of Events
9.00 – 9.15 Opening and Welcome
Chair: Daryl Green (IFLA)
9.15 – 9.45 Kristian Jensen (Great Britain): Managing Institutional Collections with a Background in Conflict.
9.45 – 10.15 Tetiana Chorna (Ukraine): Ukrainian Libraries in the Time of War. Losses and Challenges.
10.15 – 10.45 Coffee
10.45 –11.15 Jason McElligott (Ireland): The Fate and Fortune of Books in the (interminable) Wars, Insurrections and Civil Wars of Ireland.
11.15 – 11.45 Antonia Bartoli (United States): The Nazi Looting of Libraries and the Biblioteka Ordynacji Zamojskiej. A Case Study.
11.45 – 12.00 Summary by chair
12.00 – 14.00 Lunch
Chair: Marian Lefferts (CERL)
14.00 – 14.30 Ove Bring (Sweden): Countries deprived of Cultural Objects ask for Restitution. The Perspective of International Law.
14.30 – 15.00 Maria Castrillo (Great Britain): The Imperial War Museums Library. A Century of Collecting War and Conflict in Print.
15.00 – 15.30 Éve Netchine (France): Dark ages at the Bibliothèque nationale (1939–1945). A history under construction.
15.30 – 16.00 Coffee
16.00 – 16.30 Makeswary Periasamy (Singapore): Resilience and Recollections. How the Singapore Library survived the Japanese Occupation of Malaya.
16.30 – 17.00 Emma Cunliffe (Great Britain): Safeguarding Libraries in War – All Possible Steps?
17.00 – 17.15 Summary
17.15 – 17.30 Wrap Up and Conclusions
Marian Lefferts
Executive Manager
Telephone: + 31 70 314 0135
Email: Marian.Lefferts(a)<>
Mail: P.O. Box 90407, 2509 LK The Hague, The Netherlands
Visit: Prins Willem Alexanderhof 5, 2595 BE The Hague<>
Twitter: @cerl_org or @MRL57
Blog: cerlblog.wordpress.comt
NLHN: The Lord and Masters put us here. The Deportation of the Sámi Webinar 17 January 2023 3 PM CET he Sámi people have lived and worked in the northern parts of Fenno-Scandia and Russia for as long as anyone can remember. Their name for their arctic lands is Sápmi, and until the national borders separating the Scandinavian countries from each other were drawn in 1751, the Sámi freely migrated over this vast area, moving their reindeer herds between grazing grounds.
But by 1751, the border treaty became the beginning of the end to this way of life. The treaty recognized the Sámi as a distinct people with rights to the land in form of fishing, hunting, and herding reindeer. By 1905, when Norway became independent from Sweden, the migration of the reindeer herds between the summer pastures on the Norwegian coast and the winter pastures in Sweden became a border dispute between the governments in Oslo and Stockholm. And in 1919 the number of reindeer permitted to cross the border was limited. As a result, a large number of Sámi people had to leave their summer homes in Norway and move to a region in northern Sweden, where they had no connections of family or kin. They became the sirdolaččat, the displaced.
Journalist and author Elin Anna Labba has written the first history of the sirdolaččat, the book Herrarna satte oss hit: om tvångsförflyttningarna i Sverige (2020). It is under translation to English by translator Fiona Graham, and an introduction to the book as well as excerpts of the English translation can be found here>><…>.
Presenter: Elin Anna Labba
Chair: Silke Neunsinger, Arbetarrörelsens arkiv och bibliotek, Huddinge
Time: 3-5 PM CET
Link to the webinar: (no registration needed)
Silke Neunsinger
Arbetarrörelsen arkiv och bibliotek
Elektronvägen 2
141 49 Huddinge
tel 08-4123927
mobil 070-7613927
Hej allihopa everybody
(Jag har eventuellt skickat det här meddelandet två gånger, jag ber om ursäkt i så fall!)
Finn bifogat en CFP riktat till doktorander och post dokar för en konferens om tidigmoderna band och kopplingar mellan Östersjöområdet och de iberiska imperierna, samarrangerad av SWESP, Uppsala Universitet, CEMAS, Complutenseuniversitetet i Madrid och Spanska Ambassaden i Stockholm. Evenemanget går av stapeln 8 och 9 maj 2023 i Stockholm. Sprid gärna vidare om ni tror att någon vore intresserad.
Martin Almbjär, PhD
Post-Doc at Uppsala University and Copenhagen University, Centre for Privacy Studies
Adress: Uppsala university
Department of History
Thunbergsvägen 3G
Phone: +46704411908
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E-mailing Uppsala University means that we will process your personal data. For more information on how this is performed, please read here:
Den tryckta utgåvan av Historisk tidskrift 2022:4 är nu under distribution.
Den digitala utgåvan kan läsas av Svenska Historiska Föreningens
medlemmar på OJS:
OBS att vi denna gång av tekniska skäl inte kan skicka ut aviseringar
per mail om nytt utkommet nummer till de medlemmar som registrerat sig
på OJS. Vår tekniker arbetar på detta och vi hoppas kunna lösa det tills
utgivningen av nästa nummer.
Innehåll 2022:4
Redaktören har ordet: Barn, ungdomar och samhällsnyttig historia
Johanna Sköld & Ingrid Söderlind, ”Vi måste rädda barnen”: Svenska
hjälpkommittéer för krigsdrabbade barn i andra länder under 1930- och
1940-talen (Summary: ”We must save the children”: Swedish relief
committees helping war children abroad in the 1930s and 1940s)
David Larsson Heidenblad & Charlotte Nilsson, Ungdomslivets
finansialisering: Skapandet av en aktiekultur för och av unga i Sverige,
1985–1994 (Summary: The financialisation of the young: The adoption of
equity culture for and by Swedish youth, 1985–1994)
Jimmy Engren, Historieundervisning som försoning: Nya Zeelands koloniala
historia i klassrummet
Idé & debatt
Henric Bagerius, Eric Hallberg, Ulrika Lagerlöf Nilsson, Pia Lundqvist &
Kenneth Nyberg, Vad vill vi med historielärarutbildningen?
Marie Demker, Akademins svalkande hand
Erik Thosteman, Historiens och nationalismens återkomst: Reflektioner
över historieskrivning i ett nytt politiskt landskap
Johan Jönsson, Arkivet och uppslagsverket: Att skriva på Wikipedia
Adlig minneskultur under ett föränderligt sekel
Magnus Bergman, Att höra det förflutna till, anm. av fakultetsopponent
Leif Runefelt
The history of seventy-five years of publishing gravestone books
Lior Becker, A Mention to Those not Mentioned, anm. av fakultetsopponent
Tim Cole
Kortare recensioner
David Ludvigsson & Martin Åberg (red.), Historikern i samhället, anm. av
Johan Östling
Anders Burman, Dissensus, anm. av Victor Pressfeldt
Linde Lindkvist & Johannes Ljungberg (red.), Samvete i Sverige, anm. av
Bonnie Clementsson
Carl Henrik Carlsson, Judarnas historia i Sverige, anm. av Julia Sahlström
Göran Salmonsson & Linn Spross, Försörjningens förändrade former, anm.
av Martin Andersson
Britt Liljewall, Wilhelms dagbok, anm. av Magnus Bohman
Magnus Andersson, Tidig bankverksamhet i Sverige under
industrialiseringsprocessen 1850–1920, anm. av Cecilia Kahn
Carl-Johan Svensson, Provflygningarna, anm. av Peter K. Andersson
Peter K. Andersson, Drontmannen, anm. av Carl-Johan Svensson
Lena Sommestad, Agrarian women, the gender of dairy work, and the
two-breadwinner model in the Swedish welfare state, anm. av Carolina
Per Gunnar Edebalk, Gustav Möller, anm. av Erik Bengtsson
Annika Berg & Martin Ericsson (red.), Allmän rösträtt?, anm. av Drude
Göran Rydeberg, Utrikes- och säkerhetspolitikens historia från 1800 till
idag, anm. av Susanne Berghofer
Emma Rosengren, Förnuft, känsla och kärnvapen, anm. av Jenny Gustafsson
Martin Hultman, Ann-Sofie Kall & Jonas Anshelm, Att ställa frågan – att
våga omställning, anm. av Matilda Baraibar
Anmälan av böcker publicerade 2020
Martin Gustavsson, Dag Retsö, Paulina de los Reyes & Yvonne Svanström,
Johan Söderberg in memoriam
Hanna Enefalk, Rapport från Nordiska historikermötet i Göteborg
Litteratur inkommen till redaktionen
Äldre nummer (HT 2002-2020) finns tillgängliga på Svenska Historiska
Föreningens hemsida:…
Nils Fabiansson
Redaktionssekreterare Historisk tidskrift
Historisk tidskrift
Svenska Historiska Föreningen
Universitetsv. 10: A 918
Dear all,
Don't miss the last term seminar in the Instructing Natural History Seminar Series:
Prof. Tim Fulford. “Empire of Skulls: Headhunting and the Discourse of Natural History in the Late 18th Century”
Date: 7 December, 15.00–16.00 C.E.T.
Location: Hybrid: Zoom and the Rausing Room at the Department for History of Science and Ideas at Uppsala . To register for the Zoom link, please email instructingnaturalhistory(a)
"Skulls were the ultimate hard ‘facts' upon which Enlightenment natural historians built a racist pseudo-science—a hierarchy of races in which Caucasians appeared at the top and black people at the bottom. In this talk I shall examine the practice of collecting the skulls of indigenous peoples as a consequence of an inherent feature of Linnaean and post-Linnaean Natural History—the drive to gain scientific power by building a universal classification of phenomena organised by agreed procedures of mensuration. I shall investigate how European headhunting went hand-in-hand with British colonialism, outline the racial theories constructed upon this ‘evidence’ and critique the biased methods by which the skulls were interpreted as revealing indigenous people’s inferiority. I shall focus on the headhunting network that centred on Sir Joseph Banks and linked two of the foremost instructors in Natural History — the Gottingen professor J. F. Blumenbach, whose lectures and manuals educated generations of Natural Historians, and the London anatomist John Hunter, whose lectures and demonstrations placed native peoples nearer to the apes than Europeans."
Tim Fulford has written many books and articles on Romantic-era literature, science and culture. Among his current projects are an edition, for Cambridge UP, of The Letters of Thomas Beddoes. He has previously edited, with Sharon Ruston, the letters of Humphry Davy, for Oxford. Before that, he published, with Cambridge, a co-written monograph on science and literature in the early British Empire, focusing on the work of Joseph Banks. This was entitled Bodies of Knowledge. His monograph on Wordsworth’s later poetry, Dialogues with the Dead, will be published by Cambridge University Press in 2023.
With best wishes,
Linda Andersson Burnett Ph.D.
Wallenberg Academy Fellow
Department of History of Science and Ideas / Inst. för idé- och lärdomshistoria
Uppsala University / Uppsala universitet
Latest publications / senaste publikationer:
'Collecting humanity in the age of Enlightenment: The Hudson’s Bay Company and Edinburgh University’s natural history museum', Global Intellectual History (2022)
'Humanity on the move in the era of Enlightenment and colonisation', Global Intellectual History (2022)
När du har kontakt med oss på Uppsala universitet med e-post så innebär det att vi behandlar dina personuppgifter. För att läsa mer om hur vi gör det kan du läsa här:
E-mailing Uppsala University means that we will process your personal data. For more information on how this is performed, please read here:
Hej alla historiker!
Varmt välkomna till svenska historikermötet i Umeå 14-16 juni 2023! Nu har vi öppnat för anmälan av sessioner/papers. För vidare information se vår hemsida:<…>
Vänliga hälsningar,
Peter Lindström
Peter Lindström
Associate professor, History
Director of doctoral studies, Department of historical, philosophical and religious studies
International coordinator, Faculty of Arts
Umeå University
Phone: +46-90-7866231
Email: peter.lindstrom(a)<>