Hej alla!
Jag har fått en fråga från en doktorand i Argentina, Daniela Gaitán, som behöver hjälp av
en svensk spansktalande forskare som kan ställa upp som expertgranskare av hennes manus
(som är i slutfasen)! Avhandlingen behandlar den svenska journalisten Cordelia Edvardson,
som överlevde Förintelsen och kom till Sverige 1945.
Personen behöver ha kännedom om det svenska samhället under folkhemsepoken och kunskap om
Förintelsen. Om du inte själv kan, kanske du har ett förslag på någon annan som kan vara
intresserad? Maila i så fall mig, eller direkt till Daniela.
Hon behöver mer konkret någon som kan fylla i ett enkelt formulär med några
"checkpoints" över innehållet. Hon vädjar även att personen är med på ett kort
zoommöte med examinatorer och höra henne försvara avhandlingen, vad jag förstår.
Se hennes mail nedan samt abstract!
Bästa hälsningar
Britta Z Geschwind
FoU-koordinator, Sveriges museum om Förintelsen
Från: Daniela Gaitán <danigaitan90(a)gmail.com>
Skickat: den 19 maj 2023 19:53
Till: Britta Zetterström Geschwind <britta.zetterstrom.geschwind(a)shm.se>
Ämne: Re: Om PhD om Cordelia Edvarson från Argentina
Hej, Britta, här är jag igen med mer information!
I am attaching the abstract of my thesis (in English and in Spanish).
On regards to this persons' expertise, I'd need the following:
We need a person that is familiar with Swedish society. Therefore, the periods you mention
are accurate (1930s - 1970s). This person has to know some sort of historical background
on the Holocaust.
On regards to the language, I'd need that this person is able to read some Spanish as
the Thesis itself it's in Spanish. From her/his side, I'd need two additional
things: to complete a simple form in Spanish with some "checkpoints" on the
content (no worries on the written language, I can certainly translate the
questions/answers). And finally, I'd need to invite this person to a short Zoom
meeting with my Thesis Directors to hear me on a public defense (it's not mandatory to
do a Q&A, just to assist after completing the form it's fine). We can certainly
find a good time frame for this person not to disturb his/her schedule.
Thanks for your support on this! I'm happy to promote Edvardson's life &
Swedish heritage and culture in Argentina!
Kinds regards,
El jue, 18 may 2023 a la(s) 03:53, Britta Zetterström Geschwind
Dear All:
My name is Daniela Gaitán, I live in Argentina and I am in the final stage of the PhD in
Cultural Diversity with a Specialization in Judaic and Judeo-American Studies (provided by
the National University of Tres de Febrero).
I have delivered the Thesis, which has been directed by Dr. Perla Sneh. It covers the life
of Swedish journalist Cordelia Edvardson, a Holocaust survivor.
Although the University has convened a court, it is necessary that an expert in Swedish
culture can also read it and put their opinion on a form that the National University of
Tres de Febrero will eventually send you. This person is also expected to be fluent in the
Spanish language and to have a PhD or equivalent training, which enables them to carry out
a critical reading of the thesis.
As a result of what has been mentioned above, I dared to ask you if, from your place, you
could help me with this request. Needless to say, I remain available to answer any
questions or share with you material or documentation that you may require to consider my
Thank you very much for your time.
Kind regards,
Lic. Daniela Gaitán
Lic. Daniela Gaitán