vi diskuterade ju behovet av funktionalitet runt digitala möten,
konferenser etc.
Här är ett exempel, qiqo chat som ju bara är ett skal som bygger runt zoom
och integrerar lite
google docs eller andra verktyg i en websida. Har blivit
riktigt frekvent använt i faciliteringskretsar och är i princip ett
Ni kan se och delta i ett event på tisdagen
Welcome to the *Reimagine Leadership Gathering* next week!
We meet *Tuesday 30th 13.00-17.00 CEST.* Note that most of Europe changes
to summertime next week, so check your timezone-compatibility!
The 250 so far registered come from many countries, and have different
roles in a variety of sectors! Thirteen parallel workshops are embedded in
one beautifully designed peer-learning and sensemaking arch. You can
Sign-in to the Qiqo-workspace and have a look around. This is where we will
meet next week!
> Sign in - the Reimagine Leadership Gathering workspace
If you are new to Qiqo-chat take a look at the 5 min Youtube intro
the Reimagine Leadership conference in January. The set-up is not exactly
the same, but it makes a good intro nevertheless. We will have a Qiqo-chat
intro at *12.45 in the Reception Zoom room.*
One workshop exploring the Future of work invites all participants to
answer a few questions
will make material to use during that workshop.
We will send an update a couple of days before Thursday. But, let us start
now! Say hi, ask a question or pose an idea in the chat in the bottom right
corner of our workspace!
We are looking forward to next week!
*David Ershammar, Magdalena Musiala, Jesper Hök, Greta Rask, Thekla
Schneede, Jesper Hök,* and the rest of the organising team for this next