SUNET TCS-medlemmar,
detta berör er om ni använder federerad inloggning (via er SWAMID-IdP)
mot Sectigo Certificate Manager och/eller portalen för
Om er IdP inte tar emot uppdaterad metadata för tjänster via SWAMID
automatiskt behöver ni se till att era IdP-admins triggar detta manuellt
efter bytet för att det ska fortsätta fungera.
Jag tror ingen av er har krånglat med "hard-code login links" eller
"bypass the discovery service", men skulle så vara fallet, se
informationen om detta nedan.
Casper Dreef <casper.dreef(a)> writes:
Subject: Important: Required Action for Trusted
Certificate Service Subscribers Using Federated Access
We are writing to inform you about an update to the Sectigo Certificate Manager that will
go live today, August 8, at 17:00CEST.
The update will affect anyone logging into the Sectigo Certificate Manager using
federated SSO (single sign-on) authentication.
Scheduled Update:
- Sectigo is issuing new assertion consumer service endpoints for the Sectigo Certificate
Manager, with indexes 3 and 4, as well as new discovery response and logout endpoints.
- The update will take effect at 17:00 CEST on today, August 8, 2024.
- The Sectigo Certificate Manager will invoke logins for TCS subscribers using these new
- The old endpoints will be withdrawn from service in the next few weeks.
Required Actions:
- Certificate Service RAOs (Registration Authority Officers) that hard-code login links
for their customers need to update their login URLs by following these instructions:
- If you bypass the discovery service, you will need to update the URL with the
following, substituting your IdP’s entityID where indicated:…
IdP's URL-encoded entityID>
Note: <CUSTOMER> equals to the NREN tag used in SCM.
If you use the discovery service, no manual URL update is required.
IdP (Identity Provider) operators need to refresh their metadata to
receive the new Sectigo Certificate Manager assertion consumer service
endpoints. We recommend that you refresh metadata at least once a day
or use MDQ (Metadata Query) as a best practice. If you follow our
recommendations, no manual metadata update is required.
If you have followed the above guidance and are still experiencing issues, please contact
the Sectigo helpdesk.
Best regards,
Casper Dreef
Service Specialist - Trust & Security
Kent Engström, SUNET TCS
kent.engstrom(a), +46 13 28 4444