Dear SI-PASS friends,

This is Aleix. I am unsure whether this mailing list just links the attendees to the last SI-PASS training or joins us with previous trainees as well. In any case, I thought I would use it to say hi to our group, which "graduated" last Friday, and to make them all aware that our Miro board now has a frame on the World Porridge Championship (Frame 61) with a few pictures, for those of you who are curious.

I hope you had a lovely weekend and I look forward to being in touch.

Best wishes,

Please note: LEADS for Students is now known as Student Learning Development (SLD). Our webpages and materials are in the process of changing to reflect this. If you are including us in course handbooks for 2023, please note the change.

Dr Aleix Tura Vecino (he/him)

Peer-Learning Facilitator (SLD| Academic Services  
Tutor of English Literature | School of Critical Studies
Media Admin at The European Network for Short Fiction Research (@TheENSFR, web)

Room 320, McMillan Reading Room
University of Glasgow | University Avenue | G12 8QQ

University of Glasgow, charity number SC004401