* U W <poubelle1430531(a)hotmail.fr> [2023-01-30 15:53]:
Therefore, if I want to accept Edugain it means I have
to import one
by one each Edugain Federation and our end users have to choose the
right one in a list.
No, not using the system as it was desiged to be used, and using
proper software:
1. The eduGAIN Metadata Distribution Service publishes a signed
EntitiesDescriptor (SAML 2.0 Metadata) containing the union of all
entities published to become of eduGAIN" by each eduGAIN participating
federation. (So the aggregation but is already done.)
But even that's only an implementation detail.
2. Much more important is the fact that no individual IDP or SP should
ever consume the eduGAIN MDS document/metadata directly:
Instead, each eduGAIN member federation (I could only guess from your
email address ending in .fr and from your first name that this would
be "Fédération Éducation-Recherche" provided by RENATER,
https://services.renater.fr/federation/en/index) publishes a signed
(by them) metadata document containing their local entities plus all
entities that "are in eduGAIN" (or some permutation of these sets).
I.e., you'll need to find a "home federation"
https://technical.edugain.org/status (I'm guessing FER by RENATER)
that would register your service (and publish *towards* all entities
"in eduGAIN) and that federation will also provide you with a metadata
feed to consume where you learn about all entities "in edugain".
I'd suggest to either contact the eduGAIN support team
https://edugain.org/contact/) or, if have you already decided that
RENATER is the best option for you, to contact RENATER about
subscribing as a partner, as mentionedn in their documentation,
(Also available in French, of course:
https://services.renater.fr/federation/index )
The idea is this one:
- Keycloak should see only one Identity Provider 'Edugain': in reality it is
Satosa behind
- and Satosa discovers the Edugain federations
Mostly (see above). Keycloak is fundamentally broken wrt scalable
identity federation and as you would need to spoon-feed it all IDPs in
eduGAIN somehow, given that currently there are 5239 IDPs "in
eduGAIN", cf.
To make matters worse, Keycloak as a SAML SP would require a single
ACS URL (where an IDP posts the SAML Reponse to) per IDP it has
configured locally, meaning your SP would have to have 5000+ ACS URLs
(and keep those current as IDPs join and leave eduGAIN).
So if you limit yourself to Keycloak (for other reasons / use-cases)
you'd at least need some extra tooling to do that, even with a
federation providing you with a single metadata document for all
Satosa (a SAML proxy, like Keycloak itself) might be one such tool.
I'm not comfortable with these technologies /
these protocols
(Keycloak, Satosa, SP, IDP, SAML, etc) and therefore I don't
understand how to configure all components...
That's not a good basis for getting good results fast (also taking
into account that federated authentication is security software) but I
guess you have to start somewhere. ;)