I wrote:
I have an instance of SATOSA deployed using mod_wsgi.
variable in proxy_conf.yaml is set to something like
`https://federation.example.com/satosa`. Everything works until my
test IdP returns the SAML authentication response to SATOSA at
`https://federation.example.com/satosa/Saml2/acs/post`, where it
returns a 404 error.
SATOSA's URL routing code constructs regular expressions in ways that assume BASE is
just a hostname, like this:
Since I want to co-locate SATOSA with COmanage Registry on the same virtual host in this
particular deployment, I used WSGIScriptAliasMatch to bypass non-SATOSA URLs:
WSGIScriptAliasMatch ^/(?!(Shibboleth\.sso|registry|img|css|js|favicon.ico|error.html))
Best wishes,
"The lyf so short, the craft so longe to lerne."