
För er som använder Shibboleth IdP OIDC RP Plugin...


Från: announce <announce-bounces@shibboleth.net> för Philip Smart via announce <announce@shibboleth.net>
Skickat: den 19 mars 2024 17:09
Till: announce@shibboleth.net <announce@shibboleth.net>
Kopia: Philip Smart <Philip.Smart@jisc.ac.uk>
Ämne: OIDC Relying Party Authentication Proxy v2.0.1 now available
The Shibboleth Project is pleased to announce V2.0.1 of the OIDC Relying Party (RP) authentication plugin (see the documentation at [1] and the release notes at [2]).

This latest release addresses a problem in V2.0.0 where an internal IdP jar file was inadvertently included in the plugin's distribution. This caused potential conflicts with the IdP's classpath, making it difficult for users (who use this plugin) to upgrade to newer versions of the IdP from version 5.0.0.

Version 1.x of the RP, compatible with version 4.x of the IdP, is not affected by this issue.

-- Phil Smart, on behalf of the team

[1] https://shibboleth.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/IDPPLUGINS/pages/3013804089/OIDCRelyingPartyAuthnConfiguration
[2] https://shibboleth.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/IDPPLUGINS/pages/3239968769/OIDCRelyingPartyAuthnConfigurationReleaseNotes

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