För er som använder eller är intresserade av använda OIDC plugin i
Shibboleth IdP...
> -----Original Message-----
> From: announce <announce-bounces(a)shibboleth.net> On Behalf Of Henri
> Mikkonen
> Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2024 2:45 PM
> To: announce(a)shibboleth.net
> Subject: OIDC OP v4.1.0 now available
> The Shibboleth Project has released V4.1.0 of the OIDC OP plugin (see
> release notes at [1])
> This is a feature release that adds support for OIDC logout along with
> some general improvements and minor bug fixes.
> Acknowledgement to DAASI: their back-channel logout propagation plugin
> was used as a basis for the logout feature implementation.
> -- Henri Mikkonen, on behalf of the team
> [1]
> PReleaseNotes
> --
På vårens Sunetdagar finns ett antal inplanerade pass runt
identitetshantering. Det fulla programmet finns på Sunetdagarwebben
men här finns identitetspassen i en lista, även publicerad på
på Sunetdagarna våren 2024 - Sunet Wiki
- Forskningstjänsternas behov av identiteter för forskare, Tisdag, 23
april, 15:00 - 15:30
- IdP:er för digitala nationella prov (huvudmanna-IdP:er, eduID
Connect), Tisdag, 23 april, 15:40 - 16:10
- eduGAIN – SWAMID utanför Sverige, Onsdag, 24 april, 11:25 - 12:00
- Vad är på gång i SWAMID?, Onsdag, 24 april, 15:15 - 15:45
- EU Digital Identity wallet (EUDIW), Onsdag, 24 april, 15:55 - 16:25
- Sunet Drive – Multifaktorsautentisering på djupet, Torsdag, 25 april,
09:55 - 10:25
Anmälan till Sunetdagarna är stängd men listan är till för er som anmält er.
Idag den 22 mars hade vi årets första SWAMID Board of Trustees. Protokollet
är nu publicerat på
https://wiki.sunet.se/display/SWAMID/SWAMID+BoT+2024-03-22. Denna gång blev
fyra organisationers uppdaterade Identity Management Practice Statement
godkända. SWAMID Operations rapporterade om aktuell status för årets
tillitsprofilöversyn och tre övriga frågor lyftes. Korta sammanfattningar
finns i protokollet.
SWAMID Operations
> Begin forwarded message:
> From: "Cantor, Scott via announce" <announce(a)shibboleth.net>
> Subject: Shibboleth Identity Provider V4.3.2 now available
> Date: 21 March 2024 at 15:13:51 CET
> To: "announce(a)shibboleth.net" <announce(a)shibboleth.net>
> Cc: "Cantor, Scott" <cantor.2(a)osu.edu>
> Reply-To: users(a)shibboleth.net
> The Shibboleth Project has released a patch release of the V4 Identity Provider branch, to address the security advisory issued yesterday [1] and a few other bug fixes and library updates.
> The software is now available from the usual place [2] and the release notes are updated [3].
> It is hoped that this will be the final V4 IdP release, pending any other security issues identified. Security maintenance and support will end Sept 1, 2024 as planned.
> -- Scott
> [1] https://shibboleth.net/community/advisories/secadv_20240320.txt
> [2] https://shibboleth.net/downloads/identity-provider/latest4/
> [3] https://shibboleth.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/IDP4/pages/1265631499/
> --
> To unsubscribe from this list send an email to announce-unsubscribe(a)shibboleth.net
Här kommer en säkerhetsbulletin från Shibboleth. Björn skickade ut förra veckan.
Från: announce <announce-bounces(a)shibboleth.net> för Cantor, Scott via announce <announce(a)shibboleth.net>
Skickat: den 20 mars 2024 13:47
Till: announce(a)shibboleth.net <announce(a)shibboleth.net>
Ämne: Shibboleth Identity Provider Security Advisory [2024-03-20]
Hash: SHA512
Shibboleth Identity Provider Security Advisory [20 March 2024]
CAS service URL handling vulnerable to Server-Side Request Forgery
The Identity Provider's CAS support relies on a function in the
Spring Framework to parse CAS service URLs and append the ticket
parameter. Spring published an advisory regarding this function
and re-opened the advisory again after their latest release. [1]
Updates for both supported branches of the IdP are being provided
to update the Spring Framework version to address the issue.
Those not using the IdP's CAS protocol support are not impacted
by this issue, though all are encouraged to upgrade at their next
Affected Versions
The Spring Framework bug is found in the versions outlined by
their advisory [1].
This implicates Identity Provider versions < 5.1.1 and < 4.3.2
when CAS is in use.
Upgrade to Identity Provider V5.1.1 or later.
Upgrade to Identity Provider V4.3.2 or later (once available).
URL for this Security Advisory
[1] https://spring.io/security/cve-2024-22259
To unsubscribe from this list send an email to announce-unsubscribe(a)shibboleth.net
På Sunetdagarna nu i höst informerade vi om att SWAMIDs gamla
testfederation kommer att avvecklas och ersättas av SWAMIDs QA-federation.
QA-federationen finns på plats redan idag med samma uppsättnings verktyg
som i SWAMIDs produktionsfederation.
SWAMIDs testfederation kommer att stängas av vid halvårsskiftet 2024.
Nyregistreringar i SWAMIDs testfederation är inte längre tillåtna!
Adresser till verktyg i SWAMIDs QA-miljö:
- Metadataverktyget: https://metadata.qa.swamid.se/
- Metadata via MDQ (nya modellen): https://mds.swamid.se/qa/
- Metadata via aggregat (gamla modellen): https://mds.swamid.se/qa/md/
- Hänvisningstjänst: https://ds.qa.swamid.se/ds
- Release-check: https://release-check.qa.swamid.se/.
SWAMIDs alla instruktioner för både identitetsutfärdare och tjänster går
att använda men ni behöver byta aktuella URLar enligt ovan i
Pål Axelsson
Jag tycker det är lite lång svarstid från operation@ på det senaste. Har jag hamnat i nåt spamfilter (igen) eller är jag bara bortskämd? :)
För er som använder Shibboleth IdP OIDC RP Plugin...
Från: announce <announce-bounces(a)shibboleth.net> för Philip Smart via announce <announce(a)shibboleth.net>
Skickat: den 19 mars 2024 17:09
Till: announce(a)shibboleth.net <announce(a)shibboleth.net>
Kopia: Philip Smart <Philip.Smart(a)jisc.ac.uk>
Ämne: OIDC Relying Party Authentication Proxy v2.0.1 now available
The Shibboleth Project is pleased to announce V2.0.1 of the OIDC Relying Party (RP) authentication plugin (see the documentation at [1] and the release notes at [2]).
This latest release addresses a problem in V2.0.0 where an internal IdP jar file was inadvertently included in the plugin's distribution. This caused potential conflicts with the IdP's classpath, making it difficult for users (who use this plugin) to upgrade to newer versions of the IdP from version 5.0.0.
Version 1.x of the RP, compatible with version 4.x of the IdP, is not affected by this issue.
-- Phil Smart, on behalf of the team
[1] https://shibboleth.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/IDPPLUGINS/pages/3013804089/OI…
[2] https://shibboleth.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/IDPPLUGINS/pages/3239968769/OI…
Jisc is a registered charity (number 1149740) and a company limited by guarantee which is registered in England under company number. 05747339, VAT number GB 197 0632 86. Jisc’s registered office is: 4 Portwall Lane, Bristol, BS1 6NB. T 0203 697 5800.
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För kännedom.
Viktigast är nog uppdateringen av 4.3.1 -> 4.3.2 för er som kör CAS.
// Björn M.
> Begin forwarded message:
> From: "Cantor, Scott via alert" <alert(a)shibboleth.net>
> Subject: Spring bug necessitates IdP patches
> Date: 14 March 2024 at 15:04:32 CET
> To: "alert(a)shibboleth.net" <alert(a)shibboleth.net>
> Cc: "Cantor, Scott" <cantor.2(a)osu.edu>
> Reply-To: alert(a)shibboleth.net
> FYI,
> There's a Spring bug [1] I reviewed a while ago that I mis-triaged, we have a limited exposure to it in the CAS support in the IdP.
> They re-opened that bug/advisory just now and patched Spring 6.1 again, which we missed by a day so unfortunately we have to issue a 5.1.1 to pick that up, but more impactfully I guess, we'll need to prepare a 4.3.2 patch to update Spring 5.3 there.
> It's probably good I overlooked it as it's not terribly serious and it would have required a second patch round anyway since they didn't fully fix it before.
> Anyway, we will get a 5.1.1 out pretty quickly and then take a bit of time to issue the 4.3.2 update so we can make that the (hopefully) final rollup of V4 that we weren't planning on doing.
> If you don't use the CAS support, you have no exposure to this. Even if you do it's likely not very big a deal but there is probably some risk of a redirection/SSRF attack out of the IdP.
> -- Scott
> [1] https://spring.io/security/cve-2024-22259
> --
> To unsubscribe from this list send an email to alert-unsubscribe(a)shibboleth.net
Här kommer information om att Shibboleth IdP 5.1.0 har släppts idag.
Från: announce <announce-bounces(a)shibboleth.net> för Cantor, Scott via announce <announce(a)shibboleth.net>
Skickat: den 13 mars 2024 15:17
Till: announce(a)shibboleth.net <announce(a)shibboleth.net>
Kopia: Cantor, Scott <cantor.2(a)osu.edu>
Ämne: Shibboleth Identity Provider V5.1.0 now available
The Shibboleth Project is pleased to announce that V5.1.0 of the Identity Provider software, the first significant update to the 5.x branch, is now available.
The native and Windows installation packages are in the usual place [1] and the Release Notes are at [2]. The list of changes is a bit more lengthy than some updates, so we strongly advise reviewing them before proceeding and while testing.
Notably the new TLS defaults and CSP additions, some of which are active by default, may be of relevance in some unusual cases.
As is standard practice, V5.0.0 becomes unsupported with this release so any future security patches will be on the 5.1 branch.
-- Scott
[1] https://shibboleth.net/downloads/identity-provider/latest5/
[2] https://shibboleth.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/IDP5/pages/3199500367/
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