Säkerhetsuppdatering för Shibboleth IdPv4 på Windows.
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Från: Cantor, Scott via announce <announce(a)shibboleth.net>
Date: mån 18 sep. 2023 08:42
Subject: Shibboleth IdP V4.3.1 Windows installer updated
To: announce(a)shibboleth.net <announce(a)shibboleth.net>
The Windows installation package for the V4.3.1 IdP has been updated (to to pick up Jetty 10.0.16, which addresses a couple of security
There are no changes to our software involved.
Notably, Jetty has deprecated and is dropping its CGI support, which might
impact some deployers. The IdP is not impacted directly by this change.
-- Scott
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> Begin forwarded message:
> From: "Cantor, Scott via announce" <announce(a)shibboleth.net>
> Subject: Shibboleth Identity Provider V5.0.0 (and plugins) now available
> Date: 14 September 2023 at 19:15:37 CEST
> To: "announce(a)shibboleth.net" <announce(a)shibboleth.net>
> Cc: "Cantor, Scott" <cantor.2(a)osu.edu>
> Reply-To: users(a)shibboleth.net
> The Shibboeth Project is pleased and exhausted to announce that V5.0.0 of the Identity Provider software is now available. [1]
> The release notes are in large part complete [2] but will be supplemented as usual over time as needed. The system requirements, installation, and upgrade documentation is in the new wiki space per usual and linked from there.
> As a major upgrade, there are substantial system requirement changes and compatibility considerations, so please read the notes and the relevant topics before proceeding to minimize problems.
> *All* official plugins provided by the project (that's Duo support, OIDC OP and RP, JDBC storage, and so on) require updates for this release and we have published major upgrades to all of them for this release and they are in place.
> The main installer, and plugin installation and upgrade tools are able to recognize and warn about compatibility issues, and should support upgrading to the supported versions after the IdP upgrade is applied (but before attempting to use it).
> As this is the first major upgrade since the plugin mechanism was introduced in 4.1, much of the machinery for crossing that boundary has only been tested artifically to this point, so the potential for issues exists. Notably, the Windows installation process can't put the warnings about older plugins front and center, though they are logged.
> -- Scott
> [1] https://shibboleth.net/downloads/identity-provider/latest/
> [2] https://shibboleth.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/IDP5/pages/3199500367/ReleaseN…
> --
> To unsubscribe from this list send an email to announce-unsubscribe(a)shibboleth.net
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