Viktig information till Kaltura admins

Inför uppgraderingen av operativsystemet på NORDUnets Kalturaservrar så kommer IP-adresserna att ändras. Se nedan: 

Currently we're running on the following four IP addresses:

This will be updated to the following:

If any customers have firewall rules or custom setups that use the IP addresses directly, they will have to update to the new ones.

All default setups are tied to the DNS for * This will be changed by us, and should continue working without issues.

The plan is to enable the new addresses during next week, so customers can test them if needed. We'll change the DNS for * during a maintenance window on Sunday June 30, at 10:00-12:00 CEST.
Then we'll monitor the old IPs and disable them once everyone has moved over.

I'll let you know when the new addresses have been enabled and testing can start.

Let me know if there are any questions.

Kontakta er IT-avdelning eller liknande för att säkerställa att ni inte har gjort några ändringar som skiljer sig från default setup. 

Monika Allöv Andersson

Systemförvaltare - Utbildningsstödjande tjänster

System administrator -  Educational Services

Sunet - Swedish University Computer Network

Vetenskapsrådet | Swedish Research Council

Phone: +46 72 394 78 58