Congratulations on your new article, Maja, I look forward to reading it,
Prof Louise Ryan, FAcSS
Sociological Studies,
Co-Director of the Migration Research Group,
University of Sheffield
*New Articles:*
D’Angelo, A., & Ryan, L. (2019). The presentation of the networked self:
Ethics and epistemology in social network analysis. *Social Networks*
Erel, U., & Ryan, L. (2018). Migrant Capitals: Proposing a Multi-Level
Spatio-Temporal Analytical Framework. *Sociology*, - Gold Open access
*Current research projects*:
Care in and out of Place (part of Sustainable Care Project funded by ESRC)
Modern Poland: Migration and Transformations (funded by Noble-Foundation)
Young people at risk of NEET – partnership and toolkit (Impact Accelerator
Project) -
On Fri, 11 Oct 2019 at 10:26, Maja Povrzanovic Frykman <maja.frykman at>
Dear colleagues,
The article below is now available online:
Povrzanović Frykman, M., E. Guribye, K. Hidle & K. Mozetič (2019) *“**How
does place matter to highly skilled migrants? Work/non-work experiences of
international physicians in Norway and Sweden”*, *Nordic Journal of
Migration Research,* 9(3). DOI: 10.2478/njmr-2019-0026. (Published ahead
of print 7 October 2019)
Open access:
The article tackles the question of how place matters to migrant
physicians in the regions of Agder in Norway and Skåne in Sweden by
exploring how place-specific conditions affect their experiences in the
work, private, family and social domains of life. For this purpose, the
article uses thematic analysis of the narrative material gathered through
25 semi-structured interviews. The lens of work/non-work domains, combined
with a practice-oriented approach to place, highlights the complexity of
lived experiences as they evolve in a particular context. Three main
findings are identified: the non-homogenous significance of place across
life domains, the vital role of transborder connections and obligations
that affect individual and family resources for work/non-work negotiations
in the place of settlement and the limits to the skill-based privileges in
the place of settlement, which are notable in the domain of work but not
replicated in non-work domains.
Please keep in mind that you are most welcome to propose venues and topics
for our network’s workshops (independent such or in the frames of upcoming
Best greetings,
Maja Povrzanović Frykman
Professor of Ethnology, GPS/MIM, Malmö University, 205 06 Malmö, Sweden
Web: Tel: +46725466809 E-mail:
maja.frykman at
Recent publications:
Transnational Regimes and Migrant Responses in an Altered Historical
Conjuncture, *
The importance of friends: social life challenges for foreign physicians
in Southern Sweden*,*
*Högutbildade migranter i Sverige*,
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