Many thanks for this, Micheline. I wish I could have seen this before this paper of mine
(out late last week) was written. It would have been hugely helpful as we are thinking on
similar lines, Micheline. You raise some issues around scale that I have side-stepped and
I think your analysis of scalar mixing is invaluable..
Interjecting the geographies of skills into international skilled migration research:
political economy and ethics for a renewed research
It is open access; I thought the first half might be useful for teaching but the second
half is trying to think through where (all) we go next with our research on skilled
migration and I hope it will lead to a lively conversation...
Hope to catch up with you all soon to discuss these and other work written by the group.
Warm wishes
From: MIM-Highly.Skilled <mim-highly.skilled-bounces at> On Behalf Of
Micheline van Riemsdijk
Sent: 12 March 2021 09:35
To: MIM-Highly.Skilled at
Subject: [MIM-Highly.Skilled] Article on governance of highly skilled migration
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Dear colleagues,
Greetings from Uppsala and I hope that this email finds you well.
I am happy to let you know that my article on Scalar Politics and Network Relations in
Governance of Highly Skilled Migration has been published in Geographical Review.
The article brings together literatures on scalar politics and policy networks to
investigate the roles of nonstate actors in highly skilled migration governance in
Norway's petroleum industry. It makes three arguments. First, national state actors
have clearly delineated the spheres of influence in highly skilled migration policymaking.
These boundary-setting practices ensure that the state remains in charge of key domains
related to international migration and employment. Second, place shapes the (re)scaling
and networking practices of public and nonstate actors. Third, new, nonstate actors have
emerged that transcend scalar hierarchies through public-private partnerships. The most
influential state actors, however, refrain from these alliances to remain neutral in
politically charged issues.
The open-access article is available here:
Best wishes,
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