Dear colleagues,

Please find below the message sent by our new member Claire Maxwell,


We are really excited to be facilitating a panel on high-skilled migration at the Nordic Migration Research Conference, to be held in Bergen from 14-16 August 2024.

The question we tackle is: High-skilled migration - high mobility, low precarity?

High-skilled migrants are rarely seen as problematic within national policy frameworks, in fact often prioritised as the only kind of migrants a country is eager to attract. High-skilled migrants are assumed to more easily adapt to their new environments, be largely understood as bringing value to the economy, and not necessarily staying long-term. National policies therefore focus on attracting 'foreign talent', but the broader the societal impact of such initiatives on local communities and cities are not thought-through as carefully.  Furthermore, the multidimensionality of high-skilled migrants’ constitution as a group and their varied experiences of transnational relocation across different contexts should be more carefully considered.

The panel we are hosting in Bergen this summer seeks to examine whether high-skilled migrants are indeed less vulnerable to precarity, or whether they in fact face different forms of precariousness. Thus, papers being presented as part of the panel could examine differences between high-skilled migrants and other migrant groups, or explore intra-group differences along the lines of citizenship, migration trajectories, gender, professional background, sector of employment and/or race or ethnic background.  National comparative studies would also be warmly welcomed.

This central focus could be examined, for instance, via a closer analysis of:

·      Policies on high-skilled migrants;

·      How ‘high skills’ are conceptualised within the companies employing them;

·      Family dynamics that shape transnational mobility and processes of forming connections and relations in new countries and residence;

·      How relations to ‘home’ and national identity are maintained by high-skilled migrants.

Please consider joining us at the Nordic Migration Research Conference by submitting an abstract for our panel.

Deadline for submission is 29 February 2024.  More details can be found at:–-and-alternatives#list-of-accepted-panels-workshops

Our workshop is no. 8 in the accepted panels/workshops.

Please get in touch with either myself ( or Gregor ( to discuss your ideas or ask any questions.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Gregor & Claire.


Claire Maxwell
Professor of Sociology

Department of Sociology, University of Copenhagen
Øster Farimagsgade 5, Bld. 16
DK - 1353 Copenhagen K
Office: 16.1.39
Personal webpage:

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