Dear Highly Skilled Migrants Research Network members,


I apologize for the long silence! My university moved our email group to another platform which caused a loss of all data and a long period of inactivity. The group is now reestablished and I hope it will function fine again. I am pleased to continue moderating it on behalf of Malmö Institute for Studies in Migration, Diversity and Welfare (MIM) at Malmö University.


We welcome a new member, Carolina Triana Cuellar (Doctoral Researcher, School of Global Studies University of Sussex,, who is researching the experiences of immigrant artists working in London's theatre field, with a focus on their responses to exclusion in their creative practice and working lives.


Below is the update on some publications by our members:


Rajkoviæ Iveta, Marijeta (2022) The Challenges of Integrating Highly Skilled Migrants into the Professional Sports SystemTraditiones 51(3): 167-183.


Mozetiè, Katarina (2022) What works for them: Highly educated refugees’ perceptions of labour market participation in Oslo, Malmö and Munich, PhD dissertation in Sociology defended at University of Oslo. [Katarina’s current address is]

The dissertation contains three articles published in peer-reviewed journals:

Mozetiè, Katarina (2021) Cartographers of their Futures: The Formation of Occupational Aspirations of Highly Educated Refugees in Malmö and Munich. International Migration, 59(4): 127- 140.

Mozetiè, Katarina (2022) A help or hindrance? Highly educated refugees’ perceptions of the role of civic integration programmes in accessing the labour market in Oslo, Malmö and Munich. Comparative Migration Studies, 10(8): 1-18.

Mozetiè, Katarina (2022) In their own time: Refugee healthcare professionals’ attempts at temporal re-appropriation. Time & Society, 31(3): 415–436.


You may also want to check out the blog page of the project that I am currently leading, Academia and Cultural Production as Postmigrant Fields in Sweden.


Finally, you may want to let some of your former students know that a position is announced at Malmö University for Doctoral student in International Migration and Ethnic relations (IMER) (full employment for four years) with the submission deadline of 25 February.


Please circulate information on publications, courses, workshops, etc. that is directly relevant to research on highly skilled migrants; send your email to

You can unsubscribe or make adjustments to your options via email by sending a message to with the word 'help' in the subject or body (don't include the quotes), and you will get back a message with instructions.


With best wishes for 2024,





Professor of Ethnology

Department of Global Political Studies & MIM, Malmö University / +46 725 466 809  /


Current project: Academia and Cultural Production as Postmigrant Fields in Sweden

Recent publication: Postmigrant talks: Experiences of language use in Swedish academia