Hi Maja,
Me too, though may not be there as I have a very full schedule.
Best, Russell
Sent from my iPad
On 22 May 2019, at 09:10, Elena Genova <Elena.Genova at
nottingham.ac.uk<mailto:Elena.Genova at nottingham.ac.uk>> wrote:
Dear Maja,
Please do add me to the list -- I will do my best to be there.
Best wishes,
From: MIM-Highly.Skilled <mim-highly.skilled-bounces at
lists.sunet.se<mailto:mim-highly.skilled-bounces at lists.sunet.se>> on behalf of
SANDOZ Laure <laure.sandoz at unine.ch<mailto:laure.sandoz at unine.ch>>
Sent: 22 May 2019 07:57
To: Maja Povrzanovic Frykman
Cc: MIM-Highly.Skilled at lists.sunet.se<mailto:MIM-Highly.Skilled at
Subject: Re: [MIM-Highly.Skilled] Publication updates & network meeting at the IMISCOE
Dear Maja,
I would also be happy to join, please add me to the list ☺
Looking forward to seeing you,
De : MIM-Highly.Skilled <mim-highly.skilled-bounces at
lists.sunet.se<mailto:mim-highly.skilled-bounces at lists.sunet.se>> De la part
de Brigitte Suter
Envoyé : mercredi, 22 mai 2019 08:50
À : Louise M Ryan <louise.ryan at sheffield.ac.uk<mailto:louise.ryan at
sheffield.ac.uk>>; Maja Povrzanovic Frykman <maja.frykman at
mau.se<mailto:maja.frykman at mau.se>>
Cc : MIM-Highly.Skilled at lists.sunet.se<mailto:MIM-Highly.Skilled at
Objet : Re: [MIM-Highly.Skilled] Publication updates & network meeting at the IMISCOE
Dear Maja
You can put me on the list; I will do my best to attend the meeting!
Von: MIM-Highly.Skilled <mim-highly.skilled-bounces at
lists.sunet.se<mailto:mim-highly.skilled-bounces at lists.sunet.se>> im Auftrag
von Louise M Ryan <louise.ryan at sheffield.ac.uk<mailto:louise.ryan at
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 22. Mai 2019 08:42:40
An: Maja Povrzanovic Frykman
Cc: MIM-Highly.Skilled at lists.sunet.se<mailto:MIM-Highly.Skilled at
Betreff: Re: [MIM-Highly.Skilled] Publication updates & network meeting at the IMISCOE
HI all,
thanks Maja.
I would be happy to join you at 6.00 on Thursday 27th but I have a paper in a session from
4.30 to 6.00pm so it will be tight for me to arrive with you by 6.00, probably more like
6.10 or so. I have no idea where my session will be or how far that will be from your
meeting location, but I will try to join you.
Greetings from Poland.
Prof Louise Ryan, FAcSS
Sociological Studies,
Co-Director of the Migration Research Group,
University of Sheffield
New Articles:
Erel, U., & Ryan, L. (2018). Migrant Capitals: Proposing a Multi-Level Spatio-Temporal
Analytical Framework. Sociology,
- Gold Open access
Ryan, L. (2018). Narratives of Settling in Contexts of Mobility: A Comparative Analysis of
Irish and Polish Highly Qualified Women Migrants in London. International Migration.
Current research projects:
Care in and out of Place (part of Sustainable Care Project funded by ESRC)
Modern Poland: Migration and Transformations (funded by Noble-Foundation)
Young people at risk of NEET – partnership and toolkit (Impact Accelerator Project) -
On Tue, 21 May 2019 at 11:47, Maja Povrzanovic Frykman <maja.frykman at
mau.se<mailto:maja.frykman at mau.se>> wrote:
Dear colleagues,
Ashika Niraula, PhD Fellow at the Danish School of Education, co-authored (with Karen
Valentin) the article
“Mobile brains and the question of 'deskilling': High-skilled South Asian migrants
in Denmark” in Nordic Journal of Migration Research, Online first 8 April 2019. DOI:
https://doi.org/10.2478/njmr-2019-0008. Open access:
https://content.sciendo.com/view/journals/njmr/9/1/article-p19.xml .
Let me also inform you that the article co-authored by Katarina Mozetič and myself I
recently informed you about, has now been granted gold open access:
“The importance of friends: social life challenges for foreign physicians in Southern
Sweden” Community, Work & Family, 2019 (ISSN 1469-3615) Online first 8 April 2019.
DOI: 10.1080/13668803.2019.1599323. Open access:
Concerning the network meeting in the frames of the upcoming IMISCOE conference in Malmö,
the following members confirmed attendance so far:
Pascal Beckers
Rahela Jurkovic
Laura Morosanu
Micheline van Riemsdijk
Östen Wahlbeck
I suggest that we discuss possible joint activities beyond virtual contact, and share
information on external research funding that involves international collaboration.
if you are interested, please send me a mail to maja.frykman at
mau.se<mailto:maja.frykman at mau.se> by 1 June. I need to have an approximate
number of persons in order to reserve the venue.
I see an opening in the programme for us to meet, on Thursday, 27 June 18.00-18.45 (unless
some of you are in the CMS board that has a meeting starting at 18.00). Alternative
suggestions are welcome!
Maja Povrzanović Frykman
Professor of Ethnology, GPS/MIM, Malmö University, 205 06 Malmö, Sweden
http://forskning.mah.se/en/id/immafr Tel: +46725466809 E-mail: maja.frykman at
mau.se<mailto:maja.frykman at mau.se>
Recent publications:
Transnational Regimes and Migrant Responses in an Altered Historical Conjuncture,
The importance of friends: social life challenges for foreign physicians in Southern
Högutbildade migranter i Sverige,
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