Dear colleagues,
Linn Axelsson and I are happy to announce the publication of a special issue on the labor
market integration of highly skilled refugees in Sweden, Germany and the Netherlands. The
issue, published in International Migration, is the result of a two-part author workshop
that was held at Uppsala University in Spring 2019. We would like to thank all
contributors and reviewers for making the special issue possible.
Table of contents:
van Riemsdijk, Micheline and Linn Axelsson. Introduction to special issue: Labour market
integration of highly skilled refugees in Sweden, Germany and the Netherlands
Andersson, Per. 2020. "Recognition of Prior Learning for Highly Skilled Refugees’
Labour Market Integration." International Migration.
Sommer, Ilka. 2021. "Recognition of foreign qualifications in Germany: Selectivity
and power in re‐making professionals." International Migration.
Qi, Haodong, Nahikari Irastorza, Henrik Emilsson, and Pieter Bevelander. 2021.
"Integration policy and refugees’ economic performance: Evidence from Sweden’s 2010
reform of the introduction programme." International Migration.
Miltenburg, Emily, and Jaco Dagevos. 2020. "Looking Beyond Employment: Participation
Profiles of Syrian Refugees in the Netherlands." International Migration.
de Lange, Tesseltje, Lisa Berntsen, Romy Hanoeman, and Ous Haidar. 2020. "Highly
skilled entrepreneurial refugees: Legal and practical barriers and enablers to start up in
the Netherlands." International Migration.
Ghorashi, Halleh. 2020. "Failed Promise of Equality: Iranian women’s integration in
the Netherlands." Internatonal Migration.
Khan‐Gökkaya, Sidra, and Mike Mösko. 2020. "Labour Market Integration of Refugee
Health Professionals in Germany: Challenges and Strategies." International Migration.
Mozetič, Katarina. 2020. "Cartographers of their Futures: The Formation Of
Occupational Aspirations of Highly Educated Refugees in Malmö and Munich."
International Migration.
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