Dear all,
I am very glad to announce the publication of my open access book on the definition, selection and recruitment of highly skilled migrants by state and economic actors in Switzerland.
You can download this book for free by clicking on the image below or on this link:
I am looking forward to your feedback!
Best regards,
Laure Sandoz
This open access book analyses the strategies of migration intermediaries from the public and private sectors in Switzerland to select, attract, and retain highly skilled migrants who represent value to them. It reveals how state and economic actors define “wanted immigrants” and provide them with privileged access to the Swiss territory and labour market. The analysis draws on an ethnographic study conducted in the French-speaking Lake Geneva area and the German-speaking northwestern region of Switzerland between 2014 and 2018. It shows how institutional actors influence which resources are available to different groups of newcomers by defining and dividing migrants according to constructed social categories that correlate with specific status and privileges. This research thus shifts the focus from an approach that takes the category of highly skilled migrant for granted to one that regards context as crucial for structuring migrants’ characteristics, trajectories, and experiences. Beyond consideration of professional qualifications, the ways decision-makers perceive candidates and shape their resource environments are crucial for constructing them as skilled or unskilled, wanted or unwanted, welcome or unwelcome.
Dear colleagues,
Uppsala University has a 4-year fully funded PhD position available, tied to my Forte-funded project on the social integration of highly skilled refugees in Sweden.
Please note that the position requires excellent oral and written proficiency in Swedish and English.
The job announcement is available here:
Best wishes,
Micheline van Riemsdijk
Associate Professor | Docent
Dept. of Social and Economic Geography | Kulturgeografiska institutionen
Box 513, SE-751 20 Uppsala, Sweden
Phone: +46 (0)18 471 2543
micheline.vanriemsdijk at<mailto:micheline.vanriemsdijk at>
Twitter: @micheline_geog<>
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Dear all,
Pleased to be member in this new network on highly skilled migration, and my thanks to Maja Frykman for her time and effort in building it.
You find below my recent publications with their links.
Best regards,
Habti, Driss and Maria Elo (eds.) (2019) Global Mobility of Highly Skilled People: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Self-initiated Expatriation. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
Habti, D. and Elo, M. (2019) Rethinking Self-initiated Expatriation in International Highly Skilled Migration. In D. Habti and M. Elo (eds.), Global Mobility of Highly Skilled People: (pp. 1-37). Cham: Switzerland: Springer.
Habti, D. (2019) Mapping drivers of Arab highly skilled self-initiated expatriation to Finland: Personal-professional life pendulum. In D. Habti and M. Elo (eds.), Global Mobility of Highly Skilled People (pp. 107-145). Cham: Switzerland: Springer.
Elo, M. and Habti, D. (2019) Self-initiated expatriation rebooted: A puzzling reality - a challenge to migration research, and its future direction. In Habti and Elo (eds.), Global Mobility of Highly Skilled People (pp. 293-304). Cham: Switzerland: Springer.
Habti, D. (2019) What's driving Russian migrant physicians to stay in Finland? A life-course approach. Journal of Finnish Studies, 22 (1&2), 85-118. (guest edited special issue, Driss Habti and Tuulikki Kurki)
Driss Habti, PhD in Sociology
Karelian Institute (Room 1148)
University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu
Aurora, Yliopistokatu 2,
P.O. Box 111, FI-80101 Joensuu, Finland
Dear all
It was nice to meet many of you at the IMISCOE conference in June! I would like to draw your attention to three new publications (including one of myself) on highly-skilled migrants in China. All three articles are part of a special issue on immigration to China.
Suter, Brigitte 2019. Migration as adventure: Swedish corporate migrant families’ experiences of liminality in Shanghai, Transitions: Journal of Transient Migration, 3(1), 45-58.
Camenisch, Aldina 2019. China as a ‘new frontier’: Neo-liberal aspirations, imaginaries and (dis-) enchantments of Swiss migrant professionals in mainland China, Transitions: Journal of Transient Migration, 3(1), 31-44.
Masdeu Torruella, Irene and Saiz Lopez, Amelia 2019. Transiting (in) Shanghai: High-skilled professionals from Spain to China, Transitions: Journal of Transient Migration, 3(1), 59-70.
You can find all the articles here:
Best regards,
Here is a message from the network member Dr Sonia Morano-Foadi, School of Law, Oxford Brookes University, who is co-organising a symposium concerning also highly skilled migrants:
One-day Symposium
‘The Zero-Sum Game of Migration in Europe: 20 years after Tampere’
Date: 15th October 2019 (Tuesday)
Venue: Headington Hill Hall, Music and Green Rooms, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford OX3 0BP
Organisers: Oxford Brookes University, School of Law & the Research Centre for Business, Society and Global Challenges
Registration timeline
Abstract submission deadline: 5th September 2019
Notification of accepted papers: 15th September 2019
Details about accommodation and travel will be released in due course.
Please find the details and the call for papers at….
Dear colleagues,
Thanks to all who participated in the network meeting in the course of the IMISCOE conference in Malmö last month.
Please circulate updates on your published work and see about the possibilities of organising workshops and symposia on high-skilled migration locally. As told at the meeting, the network in its present form of an email list is to be used first and foremost as an efficient channel of information.
The initiative concerning a web-page with personal presentations mentioned at the meeting is to be explored further.
Finally, here is the info on a Special Session on migration and innovation at the 5th Geography of Innovation conference, to be held on January 29-31, 2020, in Stavanger, Norway:
The organisers expect to receive contribution from various topics, including (but not limited to):
* The role of high-skilled migration in fostering innovation in receiving countries – present and historical perspectives.
* The relationship between diversity and innovation at the team, firm, local and country level.
* Historical studies of skilled migration and/or long term effects on the innovation in destination countries.
* Diversity and innovation: hereunder intersectionality and how various diversity constructs are interwoven and affect innovation, differently.
* The role of skilled diasporas in knowledge diffusion.
* Temporary migration and knowledge sharing.
* The emerging role of MNC in shaping scientists’ and engineers’ migration flows.
* Skilled migrants and the internationalization of capital flows.
* The effect of changes in migration policies on skilled migrations and international collaborations.
* Gender and skilled migrants: gender diversity, migrant diversity
Keynote speakers:
Greetings from a very warm island of Hvar,
Maja Povrzanović Frykman
Professor of Ethnology, GPS/MIM, Malmö University, 205 06 Malmö, Sweden
Web:<…> Tel: +46725466809 E-mail: maja.frykman at<mailto:maja.frykman at>
Recent publications:
Transnational Regimes and Migrant Responses in an Altered Historical Conjuncture,<…>
The importance of friends: social life challenges for foreign physicians in Southern Sweden,<…>
Högutbildade migranter i Sverige,<…>
Dear colleagues,
Ashika Niraula, PhD Fellow at the Danish School of Education, co-authored (with Karen Valentin) the article
“Mobile brains and the question of 'deskilling': High-skilled South Asian migrants in Denmark” in Nordic Journal of Migration Research, Online first 8 April 2019. DOI: Open access: .
Let me also inform you that the article co-authored by Katarina Mozetič and myself I recently informed you about, has now been granted gold open access:
“The importance of friends: social life challenges for foreign physicians in Southern Sweden” Community, Work & Family, 2019 (ISSN 1469-3615) Online first 8 April 2019. DOI: 10.1080/13668803.2019.1599323. Open access:
Concerning the network meeting in the frames of the upcoming IMISCOE conference in Malmö, the following members confirmed attendance so far:
Pascal Beckers
Rahela Jurkovic
Laura Morosanu
Micheline van Riemsdijk
Östen Wahlbeck
I suggest that we discuss possible joint activities beyond virtual contact, and share information on external research funding that involves international collaboration.
if you are interested, please send me a mail to maja.frykman at<mailto:maja.frykman at> by 1 June. I need to have an approximate number of persons in order to reserve the venue.
I see an opening in the programme for us to meet, on Thursday, 27 June 18.00-18.45 (unless some of you are in the CMS board that has a meeting starting at 18.00). Alternative suggestions are welcome!
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Maja Povrzanović Frykman
Professor of Ethnology, GPS/MIM, Malmö University, 205 06 Malmö, Sweden
Web: Tel: +46725466809 E-mail: maja.frykman at<mailto:maja.frykman at>
Recent publications:
Transnational Regimes and Migrant Responses in an Altered Historical Conjuncture,
The importance of friends: social life challenges for foreign physicians in Southern Sweden,
Högutbildade migranter i Sverige,
Dear all,
An update from Rashmi Singla (Roskilde University) who recently acted as a committee member at the defence of the PhD dissertation at Aalborg University (Department of Communication & Psychology)
by Sanna Schliewe, ”Privileged migration: Danes and their domestic workers in India”.
The thesis abstract and the link to the pdf are available at… .
Best wishes,
[id:image001.png at 01D4500E.6239B3E0]
Maja Povrzanović Frykman
Professor of Ethnology, GPS/MIM, Malmö University, 205 06 Malmö, Sweden
Web: Tel: +46725466809 E-mail: maja.frykman at<mailto:maja.frykman at>
Dear all,
Also Louise Ryan's latest article - 'Narratives of Settling in Contexts of Mobility: A Comparative Analysis of Irish and Polish Highly Qualified Women Migrants in London' is now published in a special section of the journal International Migration Volume57, Issue3, <> June 2019 - on the theme of migration within the Global North (
Adopting a spatio‐temporal lens, this article explores how highly qualified migrant women negotiate relationships and career motivations in specific socio‐structural contexts. Comparing migration experiences of Irish and Polish women in London, I explore similarities within and differences between these groups. Having joined the EU in 1973, Ireland can be regarded as part of “old EU”, while Poland joining in 2004 is part of the “new” wave of EU members. Migration from old and new member states is often discussed separately using different framing. This article contributes to understanding migration in three ways. Firstly, by developing comparative analysis, which goes beyond narrow and static migrant categories. Secondly, by challenging the temporary/transient versus permanence/integration dichotomy to explore a “sliding scale” of migrant trajectories. Thirdly, by illustrating how evolving relationships, through the life cycle, may enable but also hinder migrant women's opportunities for settling in or moving on.
It is the same special section where Birigitte Suter’s article is published, that I informed you about in the previous mail.
More texts on highly skilled migrants (including educational migrants) can be found at .
Here comes the information on a new publication co-authored by Brigitte Suter, first published two days ago.
It is related to her project Skilled migration to globalising China: An ethnographic study on migrants' incorporation, transnationality and national identity in Shanghai (COFAS, Marie Curie Forte Outgoing International Fellowship), that was based at Malmö University and at Fudan University, Shanghai.
Camenisch, Aldina and Suter, Brigitte (2019) European Migrant Professionals in Chinese Global Cities: A Diversified Labour Market Integration, International Migration,
Since the early 2000s, Chinese metropolises have been emerging as hubs for the national and global economy. They attract increasing numbers of foreigners with diverse socio‐economic and educational backgrounds who tend to immigrate independently of the Chinese initiatives focused on “foreign talents”. Our analysis contributes to the understanding of these migrants’ integration into the labour market. Through a Bourdieusian capital lens, this article unpacks the access to the labour market and occupational positions of Swiss and Swedish migrant professionals in mainland China. Differentiated by how they can capitalize upon their educational, occupational, social and cultural resources in this specific context, the article distinguishes between three categories: corporarate expatriates, local hires and entrepreneurs and concludes with policy recommendations to stabilize their residence conditions.