

Here comes the first of two forwarded messages regarding the Association for Information Science & Technology (ASIS&T). This first forwarded message is an invitation to participate in the session ThesisIn3 at the ASIS&T EU Information Science Trends Conference in June, the session is held on zoom. The second email (that I will send right after this one), is information about an opportunity to get a free annual ASIS&T EU membership, it´s a call for applications for 11 free student memberships with a submission deadline 31th of May.


Hope you’re all getting along with your work and have some spring feeling!

Med vänliga hälsningar





Hi all,


As part of the Information Science Trends Conference that CAPTURE & the ASIS&T EU chapter hosts June 20th-21st, we have a session, in collaboration with the iSchools Doctoral Seminar, called ThesisIn3 where students can present their thesis or ongoing work in 3 minutes




Students are defined as BA/BSc, MA/MSc, or PhD students within Information Science (including related areas such as Library Science, Archival Science, Data Science, Information Management, Digital Humanities and Human Computer Interaction).


This event is intended to encourage wider student participation in the Information Science field in a fun and inclusive space, allowing students to develop both their confidence and their presentation skills, and to offer their own insights and constructive feedback to their peers.


This event will be run virtually via Zoom to ensure as many students as possible can attend. 


Looking forward to see you there!

Kind regards,


Lisa Andersson, MLIS, Ph.D.

- Researcher CAPTUREDept. of ALM, Uppsala University

- Deputy Editor-in-Chief Nordic Journal of Library and Information Studies 2023


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