Hi PhDs!
This email is about Umeå and the writing retreat next autumn.
In our up-coming workshop in Umeå we have a PhD-meeting on Friday morning (March 28) between 10.45-11.30. We have some things on the agenda, and if you have something you want to add please mail us. Of course we can also add to the agenda when in Umeå. You find the notes from our autumn meeting attached.
We know that many of you will be arriving the day before. We suggest an informal gathering somewhere in town, we can coordinate this in our Slack-channel: doctoralstude-ygp8402.slack.com (please let us know if you need an invite).
Writing retreat
Work is now underway to plan and set dates for the autumn writing retreat, which is offered to all doctoral students and is made possible by support from the Swedish Library Association.
In order to ensure that as many doctoral students as possible can participate, Anna Lundh has asked us to ask the doctoral students whether certain weeks in the autumn are booked by many doctoral students at the same time. One concrete suggestion is week 44 (Oct 27-31), so please get in touch and let us know if there is a week that does not work well for you if you want to participate in the writing retreat.
Hope to see you in Umeå!
Mauritza & Camilla
Hi PhDs,
The ReSource steering group had a meeting last Thursday. We raised the questions we discussed in Mariefred. The steering group is positive to reading courses across universities and encouraged us to put together propositions to present to the departments. They can’t promise anything but thought that it should be possible.
We also received happy news that the Swedish Library Association will continue funding our writing retreats.
Finally we remind about the ReSource page. In this page/subpages you can find the dates for coming activities, including the dates for our next gathering in Umeå – March 27-28:
Mauritza & Camilla
Hi PhD students,
I’m sorry I had to cancel my trip to Mariefred, I heard you had a good time!
The meeting notes are attached, and please don’t hesitate to reach out to me or Mauritza if you have questions.
See you,
Mauritza & Camilla
Hi PhD students!
We have an upcoming PhD-meeting for the ones of us attending the writing retreat in Mariefred (our meeting on October 25th at 10.30).
Attached you find the meeting notes from our last meeting in Uppsala this spring.
This time we thought we could do a follow-up on the course information for ReSource-courses. We hope everyone interested have got the Slack-invitation from Nasrin. Also some clarification on the mailing lists: we have two lists, lis.doktorander and boi-nationell.forskarskola. The first one (the one we are sending to now) is only PhD-students, the second one is PhD-students and supervisors. Anette Trennedal, our Research Officer here in Borås, are the administrator and as such participates in both lists.
If you have something you want us to talk about, please tell us and we will add it. There is also an up-coming steering group meeting for ReSource that Mauritza and Camilla will attend. If you have something you want us to bring there, please tell us.
Hope to see many of you in Mariefred!
Mauritza & Camilla
Hello to you all!
Here are the notes from the Doctoral meeting in Uppsala last week. For those of you who weren't there, we've added some clarifying information. Please let us know if we need to clarify anything else and for those of you who were at the meeting, let us know if we missed anything important.
Med vänliga hälsningar
Camilla and Mauritza
Hi PhD students!
We need short statements from you about the writing retreats (both the recent one from Varberg and the one from last year in Örebro). Anna will use these statements in a meeting with the Swedish Library Association, who are funding our retreats. We have funding for next year, and to be able to ask for more funding we have to demonstrate their usefulness.
Please send us statements at the latest December 1st (this Friday), they don’t have to be long!
All the best,
Mauritza and Camilla
your new PhD representatives in the board for ReSource
Hi everyone!
I'm sorry! I've been away and then sick since the retreat but have finally cleaned up the notes from the doctoral meeting in Varberg. I have tried to add clarifying information for you that where not there but let me know if things are hard to understand. Also, for you who where at the meeting, pleace let me know if I misrepresented something or missed something important!
I need any feedback ASAP unfortunately, since the next steering group meeting is in only three days (the 23rd) and our collective feedback from the meeting will be presented then.
Med vänliga hälsningar
Zanna Friberg
PhD Student
Department of ALM | Institutionen för ABM
Uppsala University | Uppsala universitet
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Hej allihop!
The writing retreat is coming up soon and as before we will have a doctoral student meeting where we have the opportunity to discuss issues and ideas in regards to us as a national group of doctoral students.
In previous meetings we have discussed that it would be good to be able to submit things to an agenda for the meeting in advance, please reply to this email or email me privately if you want me to add something to the agenda. So far I have only two points of discussion for the meeting:
1. Me informing you about what's been going on in the steering group for the national collaboration (where I represent us)
2. Electing a person to replace me as a representative to the steering group (see below for some additional info about this)
Election of doctoral representative to the steering group
As discussed in the meeting this past autumn, I´ve been on the board for more than a year now and need to step down to focus on other things. Note that this is a representative position from the doctoral students that are not in the Resource Doctoral School. You guys in Resource will have a representative amongst yourselves in accordance with the stipulations of the grant from Vetenskapsrådet.
Being a representative to steering board is a good opportunity to get a sense of the national research environment in BOI, it is a good experience to put on your resumé. The steering board meets on zoom about once per term but it could be a bit more if things come up. It has been more meetings this years since we first worked on the application for the Resource Doctoral School and then collaborated around the recruitment of the Resource doctoral students.
Last time we agreed that if no one volunteered, we would rotate the responsibility of choosing a representative between the different departments. The rotating schedule used for hosting the annual workshop is 1) Borås, 2) Uppsala, 3) Umeå, 4) Lund and I would suggest we use the same one. That would mean that Umeå is next, but since there is not that many doctoral students in Umeå, maybe we could do Umeå and Lund?
I'm not sure how to go about electing someone but please think about if you are interested in the position in preparation for the meeting (especially if you are a doctoral student in Umeå or Lund). If you are interested but will not be at the meeting please let me know.
Looking forward to seeing you again soon
Best wishes
Zanna Friberg
PhD Student
Department of ALM | Institutionen för ABM
Uppsala University | Uppsala universitet
När du har kontakt med oss på Uppsala universitet med e-post så innebär det att vi behandlar dina personuppgifter. För att läsa mer om hur vi gör det kan du läsa här: http://www.uu.se/om-uu/dataskydd-personuppgifter/
E-mailing Uppsala University means that we will process your personal data. For more information on how this is performed, please read here: http://www.uu.se/en/about-uu/data-protection-policy
Here is the second of two related emails, have a look at the first one for some context ☺
* Are you a student (Bachelor, Master or Doctoral) of Information Science or a related field, based in Europe?
* Do you want to expand your network, and gain experience for your CV and development plans?
* Read on! Thanks to an anonymous donor ASIS&T European Chapter can give away up to 11 free annual student memberships for ASIS&T (the Association for Information Science and Technology https://www.asist.org/) Submit your application by 31 May 2023 (only a few short questions). The only additional condition for application is that you must not be, nor have been, an ASIS&T member.
What you receive
This sponsorship is via the ASIS&T European Chapter https://www.asist.org/chapters/europe/. If you are the happy recipient of one of these memberships, you get all the ASIS&T benefits https://www.asist.org/membership/categories-and-benefits-of-membership/
PLUS you will get all the advantages of belonging to the ASIS&T European Chapter and European Student Chapter.
* You get access to member-only events e.g. "Coffee with the author", seminars - see https://www.asist.org/chapters/europe/events/ These are normally free and online, so you can join in wherever you are based, with the chance to engage with international experts in the field. In the European Chapter we always aim to be friendly and inclusive, and these are a chance to find out about the field and make new friends.
* You have your own Student Chapter, led by its enthusiastic and friendly committee, with an opportunity to have a say in what activities take place.
* Discover like-minded young researchers in your area of study.
What we will ask of you
All we ask in exchange is a small contribution to the life of the Chapter during the year. There are a range of ways to contribute, and you can choose which you prefer, for example
* A short report e.g. on a conference or a publication - for the Chapter newsletter https://www.asist.org/chapters/europe/publications/ Links to an external site.<https://www.asist.org/chapters/europe/publications/>
* Assisting in organising a Chapter event
* Talking about your studies or research, together with other students, in a webinar
* Development of your leadership skills through participation at Chapter meetings
* Developing ideas for events and activities to help promote the Chapter
How you apply
Fill in this form by 31 May 2023: https://forms.gle/zFCfnqsJS6vYNFqJ6 - as you will see it is very short! On 1 June we will make a random selection of applicants and then notify you as to whether you have been successful.
Questions? Email Sophie Rutter (European Chapter Chair) s.rutter(a)sheffield.ac.uk or Faye Carrie (European Student Chapter past Chair) faye.carrie(a)ucdconnect.ie
När du har kontakt med oss på Uppsala universitet med e-post så innebär det att vi behandlar dina personuppgifter. För att läsa mer om hur vi gör det kan du läsa här: http://www.uu.se/om-uu/dataskydd-personuppgifter/
E-mailing Uppsala University means that we will process your personal data. For more information on how this is performed, please read here: http://www.uu.se/en/about-uu/data-protection-policy
Here comes the first of two forwarded messages regarding the Association for Information Science & Technology (ASIS&T). This first forwarded message is an invitation to participate in the session ThesisIn3 at the ASIS&T EU Information Science Trends Conference in June, the session is held on zoom. The second email (that I will send right after this one), is information about an opportunity to get a free annual ASIS&T EU membership, it´s a call for applications for 11 free student memberships with a submission deadline 31th of May.
Hope you're all getting along with your work and have some spring feeling!
Med vänliga hälsningar
Hi all,
As part of the Information Science Trends Conference that CAPTURE & the ASIS&T EU chapter hosts June 20th-21st, we have a session, in collaboration with the iSchools Doctoral Seminar, called ThesisIn3 where students can present their thesis or ongoing work in 3 minutes
Students are defined as BA/BSc, MA/MSc, or PhD students within Information Science (including related areas such as Library Science, Archival Science, Data Science, Information Management, Digital Humanities and Human Computer Interaction).
This event is intended to encourage wider student participation in the Information Science field in a fun and inclusive space, allowing students to develop both their confidence and their presentation skills, and to offer their own insights and constructive feedback to their peers.
This event will be run virtually via Zoom to ensure as many students as possible can attend.
Looking forward to see you there!
Kind regards,
Lisa Andersson, MLIS, Ph.D.
- Researcher CAPTURE<https://www.abm.uu.se/research/Ongoing+Research+Projects/capture/>, Dept. of ALM<https://www.abm.uu.se/>, Uppsala University
- Deputy Editor-in-Chief Nordic Journal of Library and Information Studies 2023
När du har kontakt med oss på Uppsala universitet med e-post så innebär det att vi behandlar dina personuppgifter. För att läsa mer om hur vi gör det kan du läsa här: http://www.uu.se/om-uu/dataskydd-personuppgifter/
E-mailing Uppsala University means that we will process your personal data. For more information on how this is performed, please read here: http://www.uu.se/en/about-uu/data-protection-policy