
Thanks for adding me to this mailing list. I am looking forward to hearing about the seminars.

Thanks for your consideration.

Best regards,

Ph.D. Student Environmental Communication- Water Crisis & Common Pool Resources| Circular Environmental Sustainability and Well-being - Università di Ferrara  


Ahmadi, M., & Molana, Y. (2023). Conceptual Model of Media Coverage of Iranian Female Athletes. Sport Management Journal15(3), 149-128. doi: 10.22059/jsm.2021.331555.2825
Ahmadi, M., & Mowlana, Y. (2021). The Effect of Instagram on Lifestyle: Body Image, Eating Disorders and Fashion (Case: Women Aged 20 to 70 Years Living in Tabriz). Communication Research, 28(107), 161-185. doi: 10.22082/cr.2021.526506.2160

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