Short Years, Long Years, and Round Years: Anniversaries in the History of Science The 9th Norwegian Conference on the History of science


Deadline for submitting abstracts is extended to June 15.


We invite papers on any aspect of the history of science, technology or medicine and particularly welcome papers engaging with the issue of anniversaries, broadly defined.


The conference program will include a panel and plenary lectures by two invited speakers. Professor Carsten Reinhardt from the University of Bielefeld will hold a keynote address entitled "A Strained Legacy: The Max Planck Society, 1911 -- 1948 -- 2023" discussing the Society's 2023 anniversary publication. Associate Professor Magnus Vollset from the University of Bergen will give the opening lecture on the 150th anniversary of Georg Armauer Hansen's discovery of the leprosy bacillus (a public lecture open to all).


In addition to the two keynote speakers, there will be a plenary panel discussion on the possibilities and challenges associated with anniversary histories, featuring five Norwegian researchers who have contributed to anniversary works for NTNU, the University of Oslo, OsloMet and the University of Bergen: Thomas Brandt (NTNU), Kim Helsvig and Jan Messel (both OsloMet), Astri Andresen and Kari Tove Elvbakken (both UiB).


Participants are invited to take part in our excursion to the Løkken mine and museum. Operating from 1654 to 1987, the Løkken mine primary produced copper during its first 250 years and later also sulphur, zinc and silver. The excursion includes carriages from Norway’s first electric railway (opened in 1908) used to transport ore from the mine to the harbour at Thamshavn.

Go to our website for more info:


On behalf of the program committee,

Annette Lykknes