Dear colleagues,
the Division of History of Science, Technology and Environment and its Center for Anthropocene History at KTH are now welcoming applications for two assistant professorships: an assistant professor in Environmental History
and an Assistant Professor in History of Science, each with a specialization in Anthropocene History:
KTH | Biträdande lektor i miljöhistoria med inriktning mot Antropocenhistoria
KTH | Assistant professor in Environmental History with a specialization in Anthropocene History
KTH | Biträdande lektor i vetenskapshistoria med inr mot Antropocenhistoria
KTH | Assistant professor in in History of Science with a specialization in Anthropocene History
For both positions, the application deadline is February 7, 2025. Please note that the applications require submitting quite an extensive dossier, so anyone interested, start in good time.
Thank you for spreading the call in your networks!
Dr. Sabine Höhler
Professor of Science and Technology Studies
Head of Department of Philosophy and History
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
School of Architecture and the Built Environment
Department of Philosophy and History
Division of History of Science, Technology and Environment
Teknikringen 74 D
SE-100 44 Stockholm, Sweden
Fon: +46 8 790 87 41