Leif, Christos, Roland, Ivan, Mike, Heather
1. Agenda Bash
2. Board Nominations
a. 3 slots, currently filled by Leif, Christos, and Heather, will be open
• Note that Heather’s role is also “At-Large Director of Identity Python"
• Heather to send a note to REFEDS about the board nominations as well as to
3. Approving updated policies
a. idpy project policy
A. Should we be more specific about how much the tests should cover? Common
numbers are 80% coverage. Yes, will add that.
B. Add a note about IPR and licensing, saying what's expected and pointing
back to the main statutes as the canonical source
C. Should we add that we want a direction where all dependencies are maintained
within idpy? Where strategic direction is more solidly align? We are still at a stage
where we still maintain flexibility. We should be a supportive framework to get the job
done than legislate what it means to be a project.
D. Add a note about incident handling
b. idpy incident response policy
A. Main changes was to explicitly take advantage of GitHubs incident management
B. See also the new FAQ:
c. Heather will send the revised policies to idpy-discuss and to Commons Conservancy
4. AOB
Thanks! Heather