Hi everyone, and thank you for lovely and inspiring days in Malmö!
For those of you who couldn’t make it – I will send out a summary of our discussions and future plans within the network shortly!
One thing I only mentioned to a few of you is that we have an job ad out for a “biträdande lektorat” here with us in social work focused on sexuality studies. This is the link:
This is a kind of assistant lectorship, but with 50% research, and good chance for tenure afterwards. I hope some of you are interested, or can send it to other people who might be interested. It would be great to build
a stronger group of LGBTQ+ researchers here in Malmö!
Please use this list to send out other ideas and suggestions, or publications, so we keep in touch!
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Kiin Catrine Andersson
Associate Professor (Docent) of Social Work
Department for Social Work, Malmö University
205 06 Malmö