Hi everyone!
I received a tip about a call for chapter contributions for a new book that may be of interest to some of you! The book is called Making Space for Trans and Non-Binary Lives in the Workplace and the editors are Saoirse O'Shea (Open University, UK), Ilaria Boncori (University of Essex, UK), and Olga Suhomlinova (University of Leicester, UK).
I am attaching the chapter call in pdf format, you can find all details there.
Happy Thursday!
Welcome to a workshop on writing applications for LGBTQ+ projects!
We meet on Zoom for a workshop on what to consider when applying for funding for LGBTQ+ and closely related projects. Ylva Odenbring, Lena Sotevik and myself will together with the workshop participants have a joint discussion on our experiences and thoughts on strategy and cooperation, differences regarding disciplines, countries or types of funding etc.
We will also discuss each other's applications for those who want feedback on anything from feasibility issues to a brief idea of a future project! If you want to send out a text or present something, let me know on March 21 at the latest, and I will distribute a program for the seminar to the participants.
Hope to see you there,
Catrine Andersson
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Joint writing time on Zoom and short research presentations
We meet on Zoom for joint writing time. We start by shortly introducing what we are currently working on and if we have any issues with our research that we want to discuss with the others. At the end we talk again shortly to summarize how our process is going and help each other with any issues that have been occurring.
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Workshop for planning network meeting of 2025
We meet on Zoom for a workshop where the coordination group and other interested members discuss plans for the network meeting of 2025. We brainstorm ideas for themes and possible key-notes as well as plan dates and schedules roughly.
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Joint writing time on Zoom and short research presentations
We meet on Zoom for joint writing time. We start by shortly introducing what we are currently working on and if we have any issues with our research that we want to discuss with the others. At the end we talk again shortly to summarize how our process is going and help each other with any issues that have been occurring.
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Hi everybody!
If someone is interested to travel to northern Finland in May, I am organizing a workshop there about queerness and social work together with doctoral researcher Emilia Brusila. Welcome to submit abstracts before 15.3.2025! The language of the workshop is both Finnish and English. It is organized as part of the Social work research days in Rovaniemi 15.-16.5.2025, which gathers together social work researchers, students, and teachers in Finland. The general conference program will be mainly in Finnish, but also some keynotes and workshops in English and some workshops in Swedish.
Info about the conference: https://www.ulapland.fi/FI/Tapahtumia/Sosiaalityon-tutkimuksen-paivat-2025
And our workshop:
Queerness and vulnerability: Norms, rights, and social work possibilities
Workshop leaders:
Emilia Brusila, social work university teacher & PhD researcher, University of Lapland (emilia.brusila(a)ulapland.fi)
Inka Söderström, social work university teacher, University of Helsinki (inka.soderstrom(a)helsinki.fi)
Working group language: Finnish, English
The diversity of sexuality, gender, and relationships affects all people, but societal norms often limit how these identities and relationships are recognized and valued. Norms around sexuality, gender and relationships can place individuals, families and communities who differ from these norms in a vulnerable position, with multiple social consequences. This diversity is often referred to as LGBTQIA+ identities, queerness, or sexual, gender and relationship minorities. International social work research has identified that strengthening knowledge and skills to improve the situation of LGBTQIA+ people is a key issue. Studies have addressed issues such as the experiences of LGBTQIA+ people in social services, the everyday lives of queer families, the challenges faced by LGBTQIA+ youth in child protection, and the wounding effects of normative mindsets such as hetero-, cis and mono-normativity. In Finland, research, education and professional debate on these topics are still limited, which undermines the capacity of social workers to respond to the needs of queer people and to promote human rights-based work. Without comprehensive research, the specific service needs of LGBTQIA+ service users and the processes that place them in vulnerable positions cannot be adequately identified.
In recent years, Finnish LGBTQIA+ social work research has begun to grow, but the need for knowledge sharing and networking remains significant. This workshop provides a platform for increasing the visibility of research and practice in the field of LGBTQIA+ social work. The workshop invites researchers, students, practitioners, NGO actors and experts-by-experience to share knowledge and discuss the links between queerness and social work.
The workshop welcomes submissions on topics such as:
* The experiences of LGBTQIA+ service users and professionals in social services
* Norm-critical social work
* Specific issues related to queer families and youth
* The diversity of gender and sexuality in social work education
* Creative approaches to LGBTQIA+ social work
The workshop encourages a variety of forms of participation: presentations of research results, descriptions of research in progress, contributions from experts-by-experience or creative presentations such as performances. The presentations can be in Finnish or English and the discussion will take place in the language of the presentation.
Best regards, Inka Söderström
Inka Söderström
Sosiaalityön yliopisto-opettaja
Valtiotieteellinen tiedekunta
Helsingin yliopisto
Inka Söderström
Social work university teacher
Faculty of social sciences
University of Helsinki
Hi everyone,
Thank you for everyone's engagement during our two days of network meeting! A lot of very good ideas for the future came out of our discussions and I will try to summarize them below:
First of all: we have funding for the two coming years, from the Nordic LGBTI Fund (the Nordic Research Council)! https://nikk.no/en/fundproject/the-nordic-network-for-lgbti-research-on-hea… This includes money for keynotes, conference facilities for meetings (one per year) and for some time for me to work as a coordinator. Unfortunately there is no funding for travel or accommodation for participants, but I have applied for funding from Forte and Nordic Gender Fund as well - so hopefully this can be covered also for future meetings.
For coming network meetings we discussed several possible themes that we want to delve into:
* Methodology - 1. Labels/categories/terms, 2. Positionality (insider/outsider etc.'), 3. Who the research is for and by, participatory research (Would queer methods be something we can focus on for future program applications and project plans?)
* Pedagogy - dilemmas of teaching LGBTQ+ "knowledge", lack of courses, more diverse student group - challenges
* Disciplinary issues - meet up in disciplinary as well as multi-disciplinary groups for support and strategies
* Early researchers' perspectives - focus on applications, articles, mentoring
* Discussing conference ideas for 2027? - coordinating with history conferences (2025, 2026) and the trans conference (2026-27)
* Keynote suggestions: Sari Van Anders. We have quite a lot of money for keynotes, so please suggest your dream keynote to me!
Other plans:
* Zoom meetings for ideas/pitches, discussing texts, presenting results
* Arranging a workshop about LGBTQ+ research applications with PI's from the Forte special call
* Edited volumes in Social Work and Education were discussed
* Conference working groups were discussed for the Nordic Social Work Conference and NERA, the Nordic Educational Research Association, conference
We have a coordinating group: Amanda Klysing, Mats Christiansen, Ylva Odenbring, Madeleine Kirsch Eriksson, Emilia Brusila
Thank you all for joining! It would be great to also have someone from Norway and Denmark.
Attached is a Menti cloud that summarize why people at the meeting wanted to participate and their wishes for the network - a very good inspiration for the future! We concluded that the social and community aspects of these types of meetings should not be underestimated, and we will continue to prioritize those.
I will get back to you with some plans for Zoom meetings in the spring. Please let me know if you want to be a part of the coordinating group, or arrange something for the network (maybe together with me) that you feel passionate about.
Warm regards and hopes for a restful holiday ahead,
- - - - - -
Kiin Catrine Andersson
Associate Professor (Docent) of Social Work
Department for Social Work, Malmö University
205 06 Malmö
Hi everyone, and thank you for lovely and inspiring days in Malmö!
For those of you who couldn't make it - I will send out a summary of our discussions and future plans within the network shortly!
One thing I only mentioned to a few of you is that we have an job ad out for a "biträdande lektorat" here with us in social work focused on sexuality studies. This is the link: https://web103.reachmee.com/ext/I005/1015/job?site=6&lang=SE&validator=df9f…
This is a kind of assistant lectorship, but with 50% research, and good chance for tenure afterwards. I hope some of you are interested, or can send it to other people who might be interested. It would be great to build a stronger group of LGBTQ+ researchers here in Malmö!
Please use this list to send out other ideas and suggestions, or publications, so we keep in touch!
- - - - - -
Kiin Catrine Andersson
Associate Professor (Docent) of Social Work
Department for Social Work, Malmö University
205 06 Malmö
Hi everyone,
Here is info on a doctoral course that might be of interest for the PhD students and supervisors in the network: Sexuality and Sexual health in the 21st Century.
- - - - - -
Kiin Catrine Andersson
Docent i socialt arbete
Institutionen för socialt arbete, Malmö universitet
Hälsa och samhälle, 205 06 Malmö
Tfn: 040-665 85 77
Sprid gärna denna inbjudan till ett nätverksmöte gällande forskning om HBTQ+flyktingar.
Thomas Wimark, Ph.D.
Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor in Human Geography
Pronouns: he, him, his
Department of Human Geography
Uppsala University
Box 513
SE-75120 Uppsala
+46 18 4717377 (office)
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