Hej fdatastödlistan!
Tips om kurs: FAIR data stewardship – nästa gång i Uppsala 30 mars-3 april 2020.
Hälsningar Monica
Monica Lassi, Fil. Dr.
LUNARC, Centrum för vetenskapliga och tekniska beräkningar vid Lunds universitet
Besöksadress: V-huset LTH, entré G2, John Ericssons väg 1, Lund
Postadress: LUNARC, LTH, Lunds universitet, Box 118, 221 00 Lund
Mobil: +46 (0)70-647 10 91 | Tel: +46 (0)46-222 01 06
monica.lassi at lunarc.lu.se<mailto:monica.lassi at lunarc.lu.se>
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Från: Andreas Jaunsen <Andreas.Jaunsen at nordforsk.org>
Skickat: den 9 december 2019 13:49
Till: Andreas Jaunsen <Andreas.Jaunsen at nordforsk.org>
Ämne: 3rd Nordic course on FAIR data stewardship (30 Mar - 3 Apr) in Uppsala, Sweden
Dear all,
You are receiving this because you have previously taken or indicated an interest in the
Nordic FAIR data stewardship course.
If you have taken the course already, please forward to relevant persons that you think
may benefit from the course also.
It is my pleasure to invite you to the third Nordic course on "FAIR Data
Stewardship”, hosted and sponsored by NeIC, SNIC & SND in Sweden. The event takes
place in Uppsala on 30 March - 3 April 2020.
This is a fully fledged 5-day training event which will provide the much needed
foundational skills for competent data stewards and data managers in the Nordic countries
with knowledge of the FAIR principles and their application. This course is aimed at
librarians or data experts whose work it is to facilitate sharing and re-use of research
data. The course will be held by trainers from GO-FAIR and provides a broad introduction
to data stewardship. Registration will be limited to max 35 persons and the course is
subsidised by the hosting organisations (
To register follow this link:
Please distribute this e-mail among your colleagues and community!
Kind regards,
FAIR Data Stewardship, as a new profession, is rapidly gaining momentum. New requirements
from national and international funders are driving the need for training of competent,
professional data stewards and data managers with knowledge of the FAIR principles and
their application. This course introduces the required knowledge and skills in a broader
data stewardship context, including topics like semantic data modeling, metadata modeling,
the FAIRification process, publishing FAIR Data Points, and other topics related to
managing research project's data requirements. After completion of the course
participants will be able to work with domain specialists in making their data FAIR and
preserving them for re-use.
Who should attend
This course is aimed at librarians or data experts at universities, research institutions
and research support centres who are dealing with the ever growing complexity of data
integration. Currently data technicians/ICTers spend between 70 and 80 percent of their
time on data wrangling such as dealing with data selection & retrieval, format issues,
identifiers, ontologies, massaging the data so that it is ready for big data analysis. For
large organisations choosing to GO FAIR, integration and re-use of data sets becomes less
labor intensive, leaving more time to dive into more complex data analysis answering
research questions.
Andreas O Jaunsen
Special Advisor
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