Persistent identifiers – kanske beständiga identifikatorer på svenska? – spelar en viktig
roll för forskningsdata. Project THOR bjuder in till tre webinarier på ämnet. Det första
webinariet kan vara speciellt bra som en introduktion till vad PIDar är och vad de kan
användas till.
Hälsningar Monica
Monica Lassi, Fil.dr.
Avdelningen för Vetenskaplig kommunikation,
Universitetsbiblioteket i Lund
Besöksadress: Helgonabacken 1, Lund | Postadress: Box 3, 221 00 Lund
ICOS kolportal vid Lunds universitet
Besöksadress: Sölvegatan 12, 22363 Lund
Mob: +46 (0)70-647 10 91 | Tel: +46 (0)46-222 01 06
monica.lassi at ub.lu.se
Från: Project THOR [mailto:donotreply at
Skickat: den 5 maj 2017 13:47
Till: Monica Lassi
Ämne: [New post] Webinar Series: PIDs for the Digital Preservation Community
maaikeduine posted: "Join us for a series of three webinars focusing on applications
of persistent identifiers (PIDs) for the digital preservation community. The first webinar
will explain what PIDs are and why they are important. The second will dive a bit deeper,
giving mor"
New post on Project THOR
Webinar Series: PIDs for the Digital Preservation
by maaikeduine<http://project-thor.eu/author/maaikeduine/>
Join us for a series of three webinars focusing on applications of persistent identifiers
(PIDs) for the digital preservation community. The first webinar will explain what PIDs
are and why they are important. The second will dive a bit deeper, giving more insight
into how to use PIDs and which services can be of particular interest to people working
within digital preservation. The series will end with an introduction to the PID
(s)election guide<http://www.ncdd.nl/en/pid-wijzer/>: how to determine the most
appropriate identifier for your needs.
All webinars will offer enough time for Q&A and after following these three webinars
you will be fully up to date on PID systems in the digital preservation community. Full
descriptions of the webinars can be found below.
Webinar 1: Overview of PID systems
Presenter: Jonathan Clark
Date and time: 18 May, 16.00-17.00 CET
Are you intrigued, interested or simply a bit confused by persistent identifiers and would
like to know more? Then this introductory level webinar is for you! The webinar will be
especially interesting if you are working with digital archives and digital collections.
We hope you will get a clear understanding of what persistent identifiers are, why they
are important and how trustworthy they are. We will also discuss how you can determine the
most appropriate identifier for your needs. There will be plenty of time to ask questions.
Note that this will not be a deeply technical webinar.
Topics that will be covered include:
· What are persistent identifiers?
· The case for PIDs – knowing what’s what and who’s who
· The data architecture of PIDs
· What is social infrastructure and why is it important?
· Review of current identifier systems
· How to choose a PID System
· Case studies in documents, data, video
Jonathan Clark is the Managing Agent for the International DOI
Foundation<https://www.doi.org/> (IDF) which is a not-for-profit membership
organisation that manages the DOI (Digital Object Identifier) and is the registration
authority for the ISO 26324 standard. Jonathan also works as an independent advisor on
strategy and innovation. Prior to this he was at Elsevier for 20 years in various
positions in publishing, marketing and technology. He holds a BSc and PhD in Chemical
Engineering from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. He lives in the Netherlands and
when not working he can most often be found refereeing rugby matches.
Webinar 2: Persistent identifiers: current features and future properties
Presenter: Juha Hakala
Date and time: 1 June, 15.00 - 16.00 CET
You should attend this webinar if you know what persistent identifiers are but are
interested in knowing much more about what you can actually do with them. In other words,
what are the services that are being built on top of identifier systems that could be
useful to the digital preservation community? We will cover topics such as party
identification, interoperability and (metadata) services such as multiple resolution.
Following on from that, we will explain more about the next generation of resolvers and
work on extensions, such as specification of the URN r-component semantics.
Juha Hakala is a senior advisor at the National Library of Finland. After obtaining a
degree in library and information science from Tampere University, he has held various
positions in the National Library since 1987. From the beginning he has concentrated on
library automation, including standardisation. His involvement with persistent identifiers
started more than twenty years ago, when URN syntax was established in the Internet
Engineering Task Force (IETF). He is closely involved with the revision of URN syntax and
various other URN-related on-going efforts in IETF, and the maintenance of standard
identifiers of ISO TC 46.
Webinar 3: Persistent Identifier (s)election guide
Presenters: Marcel Ras and Remco van Veenendaal
Date and time: 13 June, 16.00 - 17.00 CET
You should attend this webinar if you want to learn about how to choose the most suitable
identifier system for your needs, and how to implement persistent identifiers in your own
Cultural heritage organisations, regardless of size, are often hesitant to implement PIDs.
They lack knowledge of what PIDs are, don’t know about their capabilities and benefits,
and fear a possible complex and costly implementation process as well as the maintenance
costs for a sustained service. The Digital Heritage Network and the Dutch Coalition on
Digital Preservation addresses these issues in three ways:
1. By raising awareness of (the importance of) PIDs in cultural heritage
2. By increasing the knowledge regarding the use of PIDs within cultural heritage.
3. By supporting the technical implementation of PIDs in cultural heritage collection
management systems. How we did this on a nationwide scale will be explained in the
Marcel Ras is the Program Manager for the Netherlands Coalition for Digital Preservation
The NCDD was established in 2008 to promote national collaboration to ensure the long-term
availability of digital information in The Netherlands. Marcel is NCDD’s Program Manager
since January 2014 but has some years of experience in digital preservation. He started
his digital preservation career at the National Library of The
Netherlands<https://www.kb.nl/en> (Koninklijke Bibliotheek), where he set up a web
archiving program. From 2007 to 2011 Marcel was manager of the e-Depot department at the
KB and responsible for acquisition, ingest and long term storage of digital publications
in the library. As program manager for the International e-Depot, he was responsible for
the development of the international e-journals archiving program of the KB in 2011.
Remco van Veenendaal is a Preservation Advisor for the Dutch National
Archives<http://en.nationaalarchief.nl/> (Nationaal Archief) in The Hague. He
contributes to the (digital) preservation policies of the Nationaal Archief, and to the
development and implementation of the e-Depot. In March 2015 he established
Veenentaal<http://www.veenentaal.nl/>. Veenentaal advises on applications on the
intersection of language and computers, and how those applications can improve
organisations’ opportunities. Remco has acquired more than fifteen years’ experience on
the intersection of language and computers. Before joining the Dutch National Archives he
was project manager of the Flemish-Dutch Human Language Technology
Agency<http://tst-centrale.org/> (HLT Agency or TST-Centrale), a repository for
digital Dutch language resources.
maaikeduine<http://project-thor.eu/author/maaikeduine/> | May 5, 2017 at 11:47 am |
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