Dear All


Please see the notification below which was sent by the EC on Monday.

For convenience all the related documentation to the notification is attached.


All partners costs have been accepted, and the EC is paying out the maximum interim payment allowable (10% of the total grant).


Based on this we have today informed our PO that we have no observations and asked him to check when we could expect the interim payment.

Our PO indicated that “soon“ as written in the letter, usually means 30 days from the dated letter, i.e., in our case around 31 July or shortly thereafter.


I will share with you in a separate email the calculated interim payments for you to check, and also ask you to start preparing/confirming the required banking information.

This so your respective payments can be made without undue delay once the interim payment is received at LNU.


Best regards




Shamim Patel (ACA)

Project Manager Exten.(D.T.)2 Project


Linnæus University

Office of External Relations

SE-351 95 Växjö | Sweden

M: +46 (0)705 898396 |



From: European Commission <>
Date: Monday, 1 July 2024 at 14:05
To: Shamim Patel <>
Subject: For Action - Exten.D.T.2 - 101060231 - REP-101060231-1 - Reporting and payment letter


Europa / Funding & Tenders Portal notification


Dear Madam/Sir,

A letter for Exten.D.T.2 - 101060231 has been sent to your organisation 986317632 - LINNEUNIVERSITETET.
For more details, please log on to the Funding & Tenders Portal > My Project(s) ( and click on Action > Manage Project.
All formal notifications can also be found in Funding & Tenders Portal > My Formal Notification(s) (

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