Dear Shamim,

Regarding NKUA, there is a small mistake in the Gantt Chart (That exists also in the Grant Agreement Gantt Chart) regarding the Deliverable Months of D5.1 (should be on M12), D5.3 and D5.4 (final version should be on M34). Is it easy for you to fix that or would you like me to change the original picture file and resend it to you?



Στις 25/11/2022 8:08 π.μ., ο/η Shamim Patel έγραψε:

Dear OMT Members


Please find attached a draft of the first Deliverable - the Project Handbook. Due to some formatting issues with word a pdf version is attached here rather than sharing it on the google drive.


I apologise for the short notice but ask that you at least check the details which relate to you and your organisation and also your WP deliverables/milestones in this.


The deliverable is due for submission on Wednesday 30 November so appreciated if you can send any feedback by Monday 28 November, 14.00 CET.


Thank you and best regards



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Marianthi Grizioti (PhD)
Post-doc researcher & software developer
Educational Technology Lab (ETL) 
Department of Educational Studies
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
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