Dear all,


I am sending this email to all OMT as it would be useful to keep you all updated about progress in relation to WP3.


On the 30th Nov, we will hold an onboarding workshop with new teachers (from the UK and possibly other countries).



  1. Let me know if any non-UK teachers are joining the workshop
  2. Provide your feedback to the agenda
  3. Confirm your involvement  in the workshop: @Katrien Strubbe @Marianthi Grizioti @Carina GIRVAN @Melis Örnekoğlu Selçuk


In the same doc, you will find a draft structure of co-design workshops with teachers to take place Jan onwards, which I plan to share during the workshop on the 30th for feedback by teachers.

I used Marianthi’s lesson plan template to structure the sessions (you can find the template in WP5).



  1. Provide your feedback to the structure and activities – this is a draft version and I would really like to hear from you as to how I could improve it.


Please respond to the above by Friday the 25th Nov. If deadline does not work for you, pls do let me know asap.


Best wishes,



Dr Christothea Herodotou

Professor of Learning Technologies and Social Justice

Institute of Educational Technology (iet)

