Dear all

As I wrote previously, there are some significant changes occurring within the project team at Trinity for both professional and personal reasons. At the time I was unable to elaborate but I am now pleased to inform you of the following:

New adventures:

Shayla Walsh has been offered a fantastic new role as a teacher in New York. On behalf of the whole ExtenDT2 team, I would like to thank Shayla for her fantastic work over the past year. In particular she has been instrumental in the work on the SLRs and development of the school surveys. Going forward, the TCD team request that she is suitably acknowledges in all publications using the surveys for school students in years 2 & 3. She will be greatly missed by the TCD team but understand that for personal reasons she has made the decision to leave. We wish her all the best in her new role - your new students and colleagues in New York are very lucky to have you Shayla!

Dr Carina Girvan will be leaving TCD on the 22nd August, having been offered the exciting new role of COO of the charity iScoil. iScoil provides online and blended education to young people across Ireland between the ages of 13 and 16 who (for a wide range of reasons) are unable to attend school. She will continue to collaborate with Jake and other ExtenDT2 project team members on publications resulting from years 1 and 2 of the project, as well as the surveys developed for years 2 & 3. Thus the TCD team request that she is suitably acknowledged in all publications using the school and PD surveys in years 1-3.

Dr Jake Byrne will be remaining at TCD but is now the TCD Director of CHARM (University Alliance) - congratulations Jake! This will be a very intensive new role starting in September but Jake will find the time take-over from Carina as the local lead for ExtenDT2.

New team members:

Learnovate will be joining the ExtenDT2 team to support Jake and you may meet various people from the Learnovate Centre at the upcoming project meeting. The team have expertise in 21st C skills as well as Design Thinking and have been involved in numerous EU and nationally funded research projects. This is an excellent team whose expertise and experience will be a great asset to the project. Note: They are the same legal entity as TCD. The main point of contact at this stage is Deirdre Green (cc'ed) and she will introduce other members of her team at the project meeting in September/October.

Bhavya Shrivastava is a PhD candidate in Economics who is supporting us in the summer transitional period and completion of D7.2. We hope she will be able to join the project meeting in TCD and request that she is suitably acknowledged in all publications linked to the survey analysis at project level for year 2 and survey validation for year 3.

Communication going forward:
Deliverable 7.2
I am currently compiling D7.2 with the aim of having a complete draft before my departure. For this reason can I remind everyone that the case study reports are due by the 9th August at the latest, as communicated back in March. I would greatly appreciate any that are completed before that date to be sent to me as soon as possible.

Reviewer needed - We currently only have one proposed reviewer (Sofia) for D7.2. Can someone volunteer to be the second reviewer and update the spreadsheet, please? We expect to have the deliverable ready for review by the middle/end of August.

Finally, I would like to wish the whole ExtenDT2 project team the best of luck in the final year of the project. I'm very sorry not to be able to be part of the final year with all the exciting developments but look forward to hearing all about your every success. Hopefully I can join you for a drink when you are in Dublin.

All the best,