Hi Marianthi, 

That is a great idea!

I actually found a template/form we have used in another project in the past (please do not distribute it further), to see an example. 


From: Marianthi Grizioti <margrizioti@gmail.com>
Sent: 25 April 2024 11:34
To: Exten.D.T.2_OMT_Mailing List <extendt2_omt@lists.sunet.se>
Subject: [Extendt2_omt] Certificate for participant teachers
Dear all,
We would like to give to the teachers who performed the school interventions a certificate of participation in the ExtenDT2 project. Has any of you done something similar so that we can use the same template? It would be nice if all partners used the same template for this certificate. 

Note that this is different from the credentials we will be giving to those who enrolled and completed the PD courses in NKUA and UGent (for that we will probably use Europass Digital Credential (EDCI)). 

Marianthi Grizioti (PhD)
Post-doc researcher & software developer
Department of Educational Studies
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece